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他们需要一台推土机来挖出岩石。They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.

把模子往桌上敲,来移动月饼。Knock the mould against the table to dislodge the mooncake.

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极权主义者更加病态,更难让他下台。The totalitarian ones are both sicker and harder to dislodge.

也许不用动手术就能去除他喉咙卡着的那块骨刺。The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.

小男孩在石头的四周挖呀挖,乐成地把它从泥沙中挖了出来。The boy dug around the rock , managing to dislodge it from the dirt.

1980年,泰国皇家空军甚至轰炸了坤沙的基地,但是没能把他驱逐出去。The Thai Air Force even bombed his base in 1980 but failed to dislodge him.

我考虑着华纳兄弟的建议,脑海中就形成了一个令我无法摆脱的想法。As I considered Warners' proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn't dislodge.

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这些因素足以促使很多首席执行官走出这些年的谨慎策略。These factors have proved enough to dislodge some chief executives from years of caution.

该运动同样也将高等教育传统的教室教学中解放出来。The movement has also helped dislodge higher education from its brick-and-mortar moorings.

那只狗得到球后,我试图将球从它紧咬不放的口中取下,但是办不到。After the dog got the ball, I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious jaws, but I couldn't.

狗咬住球后,我试图将其从紧咬的狗嘴里取出,但是不行。After the dog got the ball, I tried to dislodge it from her tenacious jaws, but I could not.

至于苔丝·德北菲尔德,她要把这件事从思虑中清除掉却没有那么容易。As for Tess Durbeyfield, she did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration.

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他说,居民们担心,军方赶走塔利班的企图可能会再次失败。He said residents worry the military's attempts to dislodge the Taliban could fail once again.

他与研究小组设计的捞网,不用接触海底就可以捞取到扇贝。He and his team have designed a dredge that can dislodge scallops without touching the seafloor.

在萨尔瓦多,左翼“法拉本多-马蒂民族解放阵线”试图驱逐保守党“萨尔瓦多一政党”可能会遭受失败。In El Salvador, the left-wing FMLN’s attempts to dislodge the conservative Arena party may founder.

拔去针头,摇动烧瓶,把固体从瓶底取出,而且把它溶解。Remove the needles and shake the flask to dislodge the solid from the bottom and to help to dissolve it.

南军的进攻再次取得进展,但仍然无法迫使北军放弃其坚固的阵地。Lee's forces had again gained ground, but had failed to dislodge the Federal army from its strong position.

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几分钟之后原告方能使该物体经过其喉咙被咽下。After several minutes the plaintiff was able to dislodge the object from his throat which Was eventually swallowed.

毫无疑问,iPad将驱逐掉一些咖啡桌上的笔记本电脑、从手提行李中催生一些电子书读者。No doubt, the iPad will dislodge some laptops from coffee tables and boot some e-book readers out of carry-on luggage.

或是火星车在斜坡上,能够移开一些岩石,看看下面有什么,也是再好不过了。Or the rover, as it's going up the slopes, could dislodge some rocks and look underneath. That's where the good stuff is.