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垂直运输机具准备就绪。Vertical Conveyance machines are Ready.

马奥尼以前从来没有见过这样的运输工具。Mahoney had never seen such a conveyance before.

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攀登陡坡的缆索铁路上运送乘客和货物的运输工具。A conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway.

在这个时辰没有公共车经过孟费?No public conveyance passes through Montfermeil at that hour.

“让与”包括各种转让、租借、抵押或留置。"Conveyance" includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance.

我想要的是不会让我失去自由的性,这样的性才不会让我厌倦。What I want is the sensation of sex without the boredom of its conveyance.

这些通俗小说中蕴含了独特而广泛的本土传递。The popular fiction displays the unique and broad conveyance of nativeness.

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运输类的轴承及其它麻擦部位的的注入润滑脂。Conveyance bearings and other hemp wipe part of of infusing into and lubricating fat.

那是一辆摩托雪橇,一种能飞速驶过冰雪地带但又吵人又造成污染的交通工具。It's a snow mobile, a loud, polluting conveyance that zips quickly over snow and ice.

回转式编码器,辊部件,带运送装置及图像形成装置。Rotary encoder, roller parts, belt conveyance apparatus, and image forming apparatus.

因为“曼企帕地荷”式“遗命”既然相当于“遗嘱人”财产的完全的让与,它是不能撤销的。As it amounted to a conveyance out-and-out of the Testator's estate, it was not revocable.

表达致使是汉语动补复合词的重要特征。The conveyance of causativity is an important feature of Chinese resultative V-V compound.

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矿内输送带运输矸石排放系统有效地解决了这些难题。The discharge system for the belt conveyance of the waste rock in the mine well solves these problems.

压缩片粒输往传送带保证了样品运送到分析器的自动化。Feeding of the pressed tablets onto a tablet conveyor belt automates sample conveyance to the analysers.

一艘轻便、高速的帆船,早期被用于运输皇室成员或其他要人。A light fast-sailing ship, in early use especially for the conveyance of royal or other important persons.

同时发电机销售、维修及配套工程的业务也不断拓展。Simultaneously the generator sale, the service and the conveyance system service also unceasingly develops.

轻身及无声的革命辊确保平稳和安全运送轻至重物。Light and noiseless revolution of rollers ensures a smooth and safe conveyance of lightweight to heavy loads.

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表面上看,翻译是语际间的转换,实际上却是跨文化传达。Although on the surface it seems to be interlingual transformation, it is actually conveyance across cultures.

由于该脱模剂的防锈性和可剥性,它可推广应用于制件运输和储存过程中的保护。Bacause the film is antirust and scalable, it can be used in protecting of products in conveyance and storage.

伊顿提供燃油和液压传输系统,座舱面板组件和调光控制系统。Eaton Supplying the fuel and hydraulic conveyance systems, cockpit panel assemblies and dimming control system.