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从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck.

目的总结神经内科危重病人气管切开术后的护理。Objective To sum up the critical care of neurological patients after tracheotomy.

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目的探讨经皮气管切开术在ICU患者中的应用效果。Objective To study the percutaneous tracheotomy patients in the ICU application effect.

目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。Objective To discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.

目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。Objective to discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.

结论直视下气管插管法优于传统的气管切开法。Conclusion Intratracheal intubation under direct vision is superior to traditional tracheotomy.

当呼吸功能恶化,应提供器官切开术或非侵入性呼吸支持。As respiratory function deteriorates, tracheotomy or non-invasive respiratory support is offered.

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她因为肺炎差点儿丧了命,紧急气管切开术救了她。At one point, she nearly died after catching pneumonia and had to undergo an emergency tracheotomy.

即便在当时非常混乱的条件下,他仍然在做人工呼吸并给我做了气管切开术。He performed rescue breathing and an emergency tracheotomy on me, even under these chaotic conditions.

目的探讨头面颈部烧伤病人行气管切开术的适应证、手术时机及有关注意事项。Objective To explore the indications, timing and related issues of tracheotomy in head-neck burn patients.

目的探讨大面积烧伤合并气管吸入性损伤病人气管切开的时机和指征。Objective To explore the opportunity choice of tracheotomy for patients with extensive burns and inhalation injury.

首席法官威廉被诊断出患有甲状腺癌,他先后接受了气管切开术、化疗和放射性治疗。The justice diagnosed with thyroid cancer had a tracheotomy and received chemotherapy and radiation as part of his treatment.

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结论气管切开术后护理在神经内科危重病人的护理中占有独特的地位,做好气管切开护理可以为患者减少痛苦和住院时间。Conclusion Tracheotomy care in the department of neurology occupy a unique position, it can reduce pain and length of in-patient.

卡拉只做了局部麻醉,进行了气管切开手术,以使她能够呼吸,四个小时后,大约凌晨零时左右,手术成功结束。Karla, under only local anesthesia, was given a tracheotomy so she could breathe and four hours later, around midnight, it was done.

目的探讨昏迷患者气管切开术后应用不同类型气管套管预防肺部感染的效果。Objective To examine the effect of different tracheal cannula used for tracheotomy on the pulmonary infection in patients with cataphora.

腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck.

目的探讨在手术切除咽喉部肿瘤前实施选择性横行、低位气管切开术,以减少术中、术后并发症的效果。Objective To explore the effects of selective low position and horizontal tracheotomy on the decrease of complications in larynx neoplasm.

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我们综合过去的经验和各专家的报告,设计采用一种水平式气管切开的手术方法。According to the conclusion of many outstanding reports and our experience, we design a horizontal tracheal incision to perform tracheotomy.

那家中西部医院的快速反应医生们,成功地用紧急气管切开术及静脉注射药物治疗来控制她的呼吸。Quick-acting doctors in that Midwestern hospital managed to regulate her breathing with an emergency tracheotomy and intravenous drug treatment7.

方法回顾分析4例患者气管切开术后发生气管食管瘘的临床资料。Methods The clinical data of tracheoesophageal fistula after tracheotomy in four burn patients complicated with inhalation injury were summarized.