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和手术刀形成的刀口一致。It's consistent with a scalpel.

眼科显微外科手术刀的系列。Micro scalpel for ophthalmic surgery introduced.

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只需备有解剖刀和镊子。A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed.

用经火焰灭菌的外科刀打开关节。The joint is opened with a flame-sterilized scalpel.

这是当年白求恩大夫用的手术刀。This is the scalpel which Norman Bethune used in those days.

一个整形医生是一个“手中拿着手术刀的心理学家”。A plastic surgeon is a “psychologist with a scalpel in his hand.

手术刀在白色皮肤上留下一道鲜红的血痕。The scalpel sketched a bright bloody line on the canvas of white skin.

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我说过,那一天,我便一定要用手术刀剖开你的胸膛。I said, that day, I would certainly use the scalpel cut open your chest.

学生也可以用“数字手术刀”完成整个青蛙解剖过程。Students can perform an entire frog dissection with a “digital scalpel.”

如果在铂里掺进一点锇,就可做成又硬又锋利的手术刀。If mixes osmium in the platinum, may make is also hard the sharp scalpel.

当解剖刀切得更深的时候,在外科口罩上面,Liau的眼睛里显得很焦急。As the scalpel cuts deeper, Liau's eyes are tense above her surgical mask.

水刀在全球范围内广泛用于高产量应用。A water jet scalpel is widely applied to high-capacity application in the world.

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华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。I have no fear.” Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the bone with scalpel.

这或许也是张朝阳决定挥动“手术刀”的原因之一。This also is Zhang Chaoyang decides to brandish probably one of reasons of " scalpel ".

他的刀要从那儿进去,在右边肩胛骨下面一点儿,靠边上的地方。There, a little below the right shoulder blade, and to the side, his scalpel would enter.

那时标本能被如同展示这里那样,在真皮下用一把解剖刀切割去除。The specimen can then be removed by cutting beneath the dermis with a scalpel as shown here.

现在北京政府感觉到制裁是好的手段,就像外科手术刀。These days the Beijing regime perceives sanctions to be a precision tool, like a surgical scalpel.

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当地球停止转动的时候,明晃晃的小手术刀也无法将你解困于笼牢。When the world stops spinning and you realize that your shiny little scalpel isn't gonna save you.

并分析了施加的电压、压电片数和阻尼对刀头振幅的影响。The impact of voltage, number of piezoelectric and damp on scalpel vibration amplitude is analyzed.

在削减成本的努力中,水刀技术向您提供了多种独一无二的功能和优点。In the cost-reducing efforts, water jet scalpel provides many unique functions and advantages for you.