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五对“第大不列颠”钢琴变奏曲。Five variations for piano on "Rule Britannia".

然后960度熔化的锡锑铜合金被倒进去。Then the 960-degree molten britannia metal is poured.

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横贯大不列颠的哈德连长城被修筑用来防御野蛮人。Hadrian's Wall is built across Britannia to keep out the barbarians.

澳大利亚将向英国女王赠送一辆价值62万英镑的镀金马车"大不列颠"。Australia will send a gold carriage called Britannia to Queen Elizabeth.

步出不列颠尼亚球场后,阿森纳已三轮不胜。Since leaving the Britannia Stadium, Arsenal have not won in three games.

女王多次出访均乘坐皇家游艇“大不列颠号”。Many of The Queen's official tours were undertaken on the Royal Yacht Britannia.

然而,在一年后,不列颠米亚帝国依旧持续对11区进行高压统治。One year later, however, the Britannia Empire's oppression of Area 11 continues on.

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斯托克城的不列颠尼亚球场对于每个英超球队来说都是个噩梦。大部分作客球队都难求一胜。The Britannia Stadium is a difficult place to go, not many teams come away with a win.

然而曾统治大洋的大不列颠如今皇家海军只剩大猫小猫两三只。Yet where once Britannia ruled the waves now the Royal Navy has just a handful of serviceable vessels.

在布里塔尼亚球场的比赛是一场会永远铭刻在许多枪迷脑海中的比赛。That game at the Britannia stadium was a game that will stick in the mind of many Gooners for some time.

要开始追求,人类和精灵应该访问德克斯特在二楼的城堡不列颠在特拉梅尔。To begin the quest, humans and elves should visit Dexter on the second floor of Castle Britannia in Trammel.

在金子下面,雕像里面是一种名为Britannium的金属混合物,亦叫做不列颠金属。Beneath the gold, the statuette's interior is a metal mixture called Britannium, also called Britannia metal.

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一个由2000到3000白人矿工组成的铜管乐队吹着“大不列颠颂”注在华工营地游行。A full brass band trumpeting "Rule Britannia " fuelled 2000 to 3000 white diggers marching on the Chinese camp.

在古罗马帝国,大不列颠那阴冷潮湿的马路和酷热北非的一样曲折。UNDER imperial Rome, the roads in cold, wet Britannia were no straighter than those in sweltering north Africa.

斯托克城教练帕利斯着手于挖到这位巴西国脚,希望他能够在不列颠尼亚球场获得新生。Stoke boss Pulis is ready to move for the Brazil international and offer him a fresh start at the Britannia Stadium.

悬挂日不落旗帜的英国皇家游艇大不列颠号驶入维多利亚港,当时香港仍隶属于英国。The Royal Yacht Britannia flies its colors as it enters Victoria Harbour when Hong Kong was still under British control.

里卡多福勒和肯维尼琼斯的进球帮助托尼普里斯的粗野的斯托克城战胜了红军。Goals from Ricardo Fuller and Kenwyne Jones consigned the Reds to defeat at the Britannia against Tony Pulis's aggressive side.

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不列颠精炼金属公司建于1931年,精炼产于澳大利亚昆士兰州芒特·艾萨的粗铅。Britannia Refined Metals Ltd. was built in 1931 to refine the lead bullion produced at the Mt. Isa mine in Queensland, Australia.

是的,他们通过德拉普的手抛球发动的进攻获得了进球,但是他们同样打入了另外一个好球,他们在不列颠尼亚处处都表现的出色。Yes, they scored from a Rory Delap throw, but they also added a fine second and played the better stuff throughout at the Britannia.

公元43年,罗马皇帝克劳迪亚斯入侵不列颠。这次罗马人留了下来。不列颠成为罗马的一个省,叫做“布里吞里亚”。In 43 AD. The Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain. This time the Romans stayed. Britain became a Roman province, called Britannia.