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他是在1926年实施此法的。The ITTF was founded in 1926.

ittf是国际乒乓球联合会的简称。ITTF stands for International Table Tennis Federation.

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邓亚萍是1993-1998年间国际乒联排名第一的单年选手。Deng Yaping is the number 1 in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998.

国际乒联负责制定国际比赛规则。The ITTF lays down the rules for international competitions.

ITTF说,所有国家都原则上同意参加比赛。The ITTF says that all nations have agreed in principle to compete.

1993年至1998年,她成为了国际乒乓球联合会女子单打的头号种子选手。She became the number one women's singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998.

“我们采用新规则不针对任何人”,国际乒联主席沙拉拉道。"We accept that the system will not please everyone", said Adham SHARARA, ITTF President.

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含挥发性有机溶剂的新胶水不能得到国际乒联的许可。New adhesives do not receive ITTF authorisation if they contain volatile organic solvents.

尽管国际乒联一再强调,规则的修改对所有人都是公平的。Although the ITTF has repeatedly stressed that the amendments to the rules are fair for everyone.

她赢得了许多金牌,国际乒联是女子乒乓球从2003到2008号位置。She won many gold medals in the ITTF and was the No. 1 position of women table tennis from 2003 to 2008.

为了弄明白为什么年轻人缺乏兴趣,我和国际乒联市场总监史蒂夫丹顿聊了起来。To find out more about the lack of youth interest, I talked to the ITTF marketing director Steve Dainton.

在日本横滨举行的世界乒乓球锦标赛中,中国队包揽全部5个单项的冠军。China has secured all the titles on offer at the ITTF World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama, Japan.

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ITTF说,来自竞争国家的两国政要和外交官将站在为他们本国加油的立场。The ITTF says key government officials and diplomats from the competing nations will be in the stands cheering their country on.

他们在所参加的最近一次职业巡回赛中都与冠军失之交臂。Meanwhile, in the most recent ITTF Pro Tour tournament in which they competed, the Volkswagen Open China, they both suffered defeats.

国际乒联主席将指派一名仲裁委员会主席来主持委员会的会议以及制定仲裁成员的执勤表。The ITTF President will appoint a Jury Chairman to chair the meetings of the Jury and to schedule the duty roster of the Jury members.

ITTF把这场比赛称作“能够破解政治僵局,用只有乒乓球能做到的方法将国家团结起来的一项空前赛事。”The ITTF calls this, "an unprecedented sports event that will break political tensions and unite nations in a way that only table tennis can."

从2008年7月1日起,国际乒联决议禁用长胶粒胶皮。此项决议包括所有现在采用的长胶粒胶皮和套胶。The ITTF has indeed banned all frictionless long pimpled rubbers as from 01 July 2008. ? This includes all long pimpled rubbers currently used.

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国际乒联亚洲办事处主任高兴地表示,如果乒乓球运动员在比赛中能和网球和羽毛球运动员那样穿上裙子的话,这将是一个革命。The director of ITTF Asia Office said It might be a revolution if women paddlers wear skirts during games just like tennis and badminton players.

永字牌乒乓胶皮,经中国乒联监定为我国最佳产品,经国乒联批准为国际比赛用胶皮。"YUNG"brand rubbers have already been affirmed by the China Table Tennis Association as the best Type of rubbers, approved by the ITTF for use in international competitions.

该办法将适用于2006年的两站巡回赛,此外美国乒乓球协会亦同意此办法用于他们组织的国际团体赛。The system will be tried in two ITTF Pro Tour tournaments in 2006 and also the United States Table Tennis Association has agreed to use the system in their international team tournament.