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古街场黑咖啡。Olden Town Black Coffee.

格来格。奥登是个摄影师。Greg Olden was a cameraman.

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谁人来到了古梦之殿?Who comes in the Hall of Olden Dreams?

你同格来格。顿或托马斯。琼斯谈过了吗?Did you talk to Greg Olden or Thomas Jones?

如果您活在古代,你会做什么?If you lived in the olden times, what would you do?

他赞成旧时圣人的教条。He upholds the doctrine of the rishis of olden times.

以前必须先给步枪装上火药才能开枪。In olden times one had to charge a musket before firing.

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就象古时候那样,现在还有个缺德的男爵,多有意思?Isn't it nice to have a wicked Baron just as in olden times?

古时候,有一个非常有权势的国王。Long ago, in a very olden time, there lived a powerful king.

很久很久以前,有一位强权的国王。Long ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king.

在过去的日子里——譬如十年前——我们把这称之为“关注”。In olden days — like 10 years ago — we would call this “attention.

古时用错了黄色会杀头,今天错用了黄色会闯祸。In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow.

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像是回到了从前,我们种植水果蔬菜自给自足的日子。Returning to the olden days, when we raised our own fruits and vegetables.

我们去了苏州的园林,这里是过去有钱人家的私家花园!We went to the famous and rich garden owe by the riches in the olden days!

那么,我从前是怎样对待您的,您今天也可以怎样对待我。Well, you can do to-day for me that which I did for you in the olden days.

在古代,饺子被吓跑妖魔鬼怪,不幸和疾病。In olden times jiaozi were thought to scare away evil spirits misfortune and disease.

当然在过去,副官掌管着舰队司令的信号旗。In olden days, of course, a flag-lieutenant was in charge of the Admiral's signal flags.

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古代愚钝的人也正直,现在愚钝的人有可能是诡诈的。In olden times , the dull-witted were honest, but today the dull-witted maybe deceitful.

他们靠近一座老旧楼房,爬满藤条的铁架子上面点缀着彩色的玫瑰。They approached an olden building warmed by pastel roses climbing a wrought-iron pergola.

昔日当眷恋的水兵加以镣铐时,没有人被允许除去他们的枷锁。When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olden days, nobody was allowed to unshackle them.