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一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。A dove cooed softly.

是你亲爱的鸽子?Is it lovey dove stuff?

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旁伴着鸽泉水叮咚。Beside the springs of Dove.

我常凝视那只鸽子。I often stare at that dove.

鸽子又飞回巢里。The dove comes to her nest.

鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣。Then he begins on the dove.

似母鸽孵卵般幽阒。As still as a brooding dove.

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那名拳击手在第5回合佯倒了。The boxer dove in the fifth.

鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。The dove felt very grateful.

和平是用鸽子作为象征物。Peace is symbolized by a dove.

一只珍珠斑鸠正在风洞中飞行。A diamond dove in a wind tunnel.

她径直跳入池中。She dove straight into the pool.

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凯尔•韦德拿着他刚打下来的哀鸠。Kyle Wade holds a dove he just shot.

揭阳鸽子蛋哪里有卖?Where has the Jieyang dove egg sell?

野狼,黑熊,水獭,火龙,白鸽。Wolf, bear, and otter, dragon, dove.

可你是谁呀,幸福的、幸福的小鸽?But who wast thou, O happy, happy dove?

老花母鸡扶住小灰鸽。Old spent hens Fu Zhu little gray dove.

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一天一块德芙巧克力,给你工作,休闲,娱乐添活力。Dove a day keep you work, rest and play.

树林深处野鸽的哀诉声。The stock dove plain amid the forest deep.

雷不加思索地就跳进了水里。Without thinking, Ray dove into the water.