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洗澡、穿衣。Shower. Dress.


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淋浴还是泡澡?Shower or bath?

长长的冲一次热水澡.A long hot shower.

只是一场阵雨而已。It's only a shower.

教堂的墓地一阵雨。A churchyard shower.

他打开淋浴器。He turned the shower on.

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我得冲个凉。I need to take a shower.

像浴帽设计。Like a shower cap design.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The shower laid the dust.

如防水的淋浴间收音机。Waterproof shower radios.

阵雨过后,空气清新。A shower settled the dust.

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你来了我的送礼会吗?Did you come to my shower?

我则是在淋浴中获得灵感。I have mine in the shower.

独立的浴缸和淋浴。Separate Bath with shower.

一场阵雨于尘埃不再飞扬。A shower has laid the dust.

我沐浴时将它掉到地上了。I dropped it in the shower.

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你最好洗个澡。You'd better take a shower.

我想冲个凉。I feel like taking a shower.

我早上冲澡的时候睡着了。I fell asleep in the shower.