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我不定量给穷人一些钱。This is a sort of indeterminate color.

我不定量给穷人一些钱。I give indeterminate money to poor men.

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起重机桥架是一个多次超静定结构。The crane truss is an indeterminate structure.

换句话说,它是自反的,因此是不可确定的。In other words it is reflexive and therefore indeterminate.

这样的力系叫做静不定力系。Such force systems are said to be statically indeterminate.

这个误差被称为指示剂误差,而这个误差是不确定的。This error is referred to as an indicator error, and it is indeterminate.

其他厂商也可提供可用的JRE,兼容性不确定。Other vendors may also supply JRE that work, compatibility is indeterminate.

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我们下一代的应用程序是建立在不确定的基础之上的。Our next-generation application is now built on an indeterminate foundation.

结合实例说明了对不宜用洛必达法则的不定式极限的处理方法。Some other methods to solve limit of indeterminate form are given by example.

同样,利用诸如OSC的通信将导致不确定的潜在影响。Also, using communications, such as an OSC, will cause indeterminate latencies.

其他厂商也提供有Linux版本,但兼容性仍不确定。Other vendors may also provide Linux versions, but compatibility is indeterminate.

按钮用于在进度条的不确定和确定模式之间进行切换。The button toggles the progress bar between the indeterminate and determinate modes.

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输电塔架是一种应用广泛的高次超静定空间结构。A transmission tower is a form of highly indeterminate space structures used extensively.

不过在写回调函数的时候需要记着,第一个参数的类型是不确定的!Keep in mind that the type of the first argument is indeterminate if you use this method!

她很清楚,一个女人作客很容易无限期地延续下去。She knew well that a woman's vis. t is. apt to spin itself out for an indeterminate time.

但是在1976年加州决定从模糊判决变为确定判决。But in 1976 California decided to switch from "indeterminate" to "determinate" sentencing.

余甘子雌雄花主要分布在一龄结果母枝上。The flowers of Phyllanthus emblica L. mainly are distributed on annual indeterminate shoots.

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前景色和背景色不补漏白因为他们都是尚不确定的颜色。The foreground and background colors do not trap because they are both indeterminate colors.

亚有限结荚习性品种边际效应大于无限结荚习性品种。The border effect of semideterminate varieties was larger than that of indeterminate varieties.

力法是计算超静定结构的一种基本而有效的方法。The force method is a basic and effective means to calculate statically indeterminate structures.