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即使最贪吃的人也吃不下这么多东西啊。Even the top gourmand can't eat so much food.

嗜食者是喜欢好吃的东西的人。A gourmand is someone who is fond of good eating.

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这就像让一位美食家承认他喜欢吃快餐店里的老什子炸鸡一样难堪。It is like a gourmand confessing he loves McNuggets.

每样食物适合每个人,从喜欢吃零食的人到美食家。Everything for everyone, from the snacker to the gourmand.

与其他女人一样,逛街和美食同样是她的爱好。Like other women, Lori loved shopping and eating gourmand food.

美食家这个名称很好听,读起来还真有点美味!If this name is to be explained in common terms, it means a gourmand.

作为人人皆知的贪吃的人,他知道这个地区所有的饭店。As a gourmand known by everyone, he knows all the restaurants in the district.

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这家博物馆的导游词是用英语、第十一届德语和日语3种语言写的。The guidebook to the museum is write in three language english, gourmand japanese.

这本书为她在1999年法国凡尔赛世界食谱大赛中摘取了新手最佳食谱奖。The book won her the Best First Book at the Gourmand World Cook book Awards in 1999.

“我以为嗜食者是吃很多东西的人,”利迪娅答道。“I think a gourmand is someone who eats an excessive amount of food,” replied Lydia.

美食家应该知道的山西面条在中国非常有名以及当地的醋。The gourmand should be aware that Shanxi noodles are highly reputed all over China as well as the local vinegar.

长期以来,他一直以嗜好美食和烟酒闻名。1980年,他的厨师曾表示,为了减肥,金正日计划爬楼梯。He was long famed as a gourmand and heavy smoker and drinker. In 1980, his chef noted he would jog up and down stairs to shed the pounds.

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我真正想引出的,却是那个饕餮换帝王,在皇室中布下大局的神秘人。I truely think derivation, but is that gourmand to change an emperor king and deploy the mysterious person of general situation in the imperial house.

我真正想引出的,却是那个饕餮换帝王,在皇室中布下大局的神秘人。I truely think derivation, merely is that gourmand to alteration one dictator king and deploy the recondite person of general situation in the imperial house.

同时,酒店拥有3个不同主题的餐厅所呈现的无以伦比的国际美食,将满足众多美食家挑剔的需求。The hotel features 3 restaurants, offering the most delectable choice of authentic regional and international fare to satisfy the taste buds of every gourmand.

在进食的时候,它总是表现得从容不迫,绝不象有些犬那样的饕餮和贪婪,更不会因此而对人摇尾乞怜。While taking a meal, it always performance unhurriedly, in no case the elephant is some dogs gourmand and greeds like that, can't even therefore beg like a dog to the person.

虽然米其林指南没有将它命名为“围脖美食家”--一个地方获得“最佳物美价廉”的称号--翡翠是更受香港居民欢迎的。Though the Michelin Guide did name it a "Bib Gourmand" -- a place to get "top-quality cuisine at affordable prices" -- Crystal Jade is so much more to those who live in Hong Kong.

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东方香味系列——跟喜欢美食香味的人一样,你更偏爱含有甜甜香草和琥珀味的香水,但同时它们也需要乳香和没药等黑暗和神秘的香调。Oriental -- Like the gourmand lover, you prefer perfumes that contain sweet notes of vanilla and amber, but they also need dark and mysterious notes such as frankincense and myrrh.

宜人的气候加上热情有礼的意大利人使意大利成为人们度假、欣赏艺术、品尝美食、或尽情享受这一切,甚或商务旅行的理想目的地。An ideal climate plus warm and gracious people make Italy a perfect destination for an active vacation, the art lover, the gourmand , and the hedonistcombined, why not, with business.