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还有,你的枪法很准。By the way, your marksmanship is quasi -.

d小调三重奏,像一首舞曲,作品27。Trio quasi una ballata in D minor, Op. 27

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胎龄为17天的兔胎儿可用于从生殖嵴分离类ES细胞。Rabbit fetus aged 17 days could be used to isolate quasi ES from ridge.

祁东新闻网花了不到半年时间,便火得人人皆知。The Qi e. nws net could not spend quasi year, then the fire get everyone to all know.

第六章中我们讨论了2-连通半无爪图的最长圈。In the last chapter, we discuss the longest cycle of 2-connected quasi claw-free graphs.

至于下一步“提准”和加息,应会根据流动性适时调整。As for the next "quasi" and raise interest rates should be based on the liquidity adjusted.

第二章研究了一类拟三次系统的中心条件与极限环分支问题。In chapter 2, center condition and bifurcation of limit cycles of quasi cubic system are i.

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南极上空臭氧变化和环南极海冰变化是赤道海温和全球气候准两年振荡的原因。The quasi biennial oscillation of global climate and equator ocean temperature are caused by.

文章提出一种复数方法来求出准稳态周期导热的解。This Paper suggests a complex number method for solving quasi steady periodic heat conduction.

介绍了作者提出的适用于数据传递量不大的类XMODEM协议。Quasi XMODEM protocol for less amount data transmission put forward by the author is explained.

准司法机构,如行政机构等也会出现管辖权问题。Question of jurisdiction also arise regarding quasi -judicial, such as administrative agencies.

该滤波器采用半开环结构微带谐振腔,产生准椭圆函数响应。Semiopenloop microstrip resonators are utilized to realize the quasi elliptic function response.

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作为拟C-半群的推广,本文定义了左半正则纯整群并半群,给出了它的左半织积结构。As a generalization of quasi C semigroups, left semiregular orthogroups are defined in this paper.

对传统式和准同心圆式两种外部耐压液舱结构进行了模型对比试验。Contrast experiments of traditional and quasi homocentric pressure tank structures have been done.

您看这丛黄杨树的木质细腻,成材以后准能卖个好价钱!You see this neatly yellow poplar wood is exquisite, timber later quasi ability sell a good price!

而散射算符对准粒子态的矩阵元同相应的单粒子态的矩阵元完全一样。The scattering matrix elements for the quasi particle are the same as those of the single particle.

本文介绍了混流泵叶轮叶片一种准三元设计法。This paper introduces a quasi 3-D design method for the blade of the impeller of the mixed-flow pump.

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气量变化的瞬态过程可能出现对应准稳态变化没有出现的流型。In gas transients, flow patterns may appear which are not observed in corresponding quasi -steady state.

通过现场实测,研究了高瓦斯工作面高位偏“E”型通风采场的瓦斯涌出和运移规律。Through tested on field , studied the regulation of gas emission and moving in quasi E-type ventilation.

不信到复活节你看,他准能下出带色的彩蛋。Don't believe the Easter you look, he is quasi and can descend colourful egg of the proptosis band color.