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你的钮扣孔里有洞!You have dour holes in your coat-buttonholes!

他是个众所周知的抑郁的新英格兰清教徒。He is a proverbially dour New England Puritan.

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当谈到更多的主流业务,员工是无生气且无用的。When it comestomore mainstream services, staff are dour and unhelpful.

而且沉闷、貌不惊人的美国馆外,游客排起的队伍仍是最长的之一。And queues outside America's dour pavilion have been among the longest.

当它涉及更多主流的服务时职员就会变得阴郁和无助。When it comes to more mainstream services, staff are dour and unhelpful.

我们的上帝喜欢这个位于波罗的海和北海之间的天鹅窠。And dour Lord loves the old swan's nest between the Baltic and the North Sea.

他寡言实干的一面十分适合发布坏消息然后告诉人们怎么去解决。His dour pragmatic side is well-suited to delivering bad news and explaining how to deal with it.

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经过沉闷的上半场,乌兹别克斯坦队在第72分钟取得领先震惊了中国的球迷。After a dour first half, Uzbekistan stunned the Chinese fans by taking the lead in the 72nd minute.

你认为这一次将恢复到保守的英格兰-意大利式一球决胜?Do you think this one is going to revert back to the dour old English-Italian one-goal-in-it affair?

这件复古冷酷到底的晚装对这样一个盛会来说过于严肃。JANUARY JONES While retro-cool, this Lanvin gown was just a little too dour for such a festive night.

最近几天黯淡的数据已掀起经济可能再一次陷入衰退的讨论.The dour data in the last few days have spurred talk the economy could tumble into a fresh recession.

她看到离她不远的地方,有一个身材高高的中年男子久久地伫立在一棵树旁,脸色沉郁,神情凄楚。Not far away, she espied a tall man of middle age standing beside a tree with a dour look on his face.

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我可以告诉他,那时的邪恶行为就象人们把酒精掺进杜罗河区的纯葡萄汁里。I could tell him that all the wickedness of that time was like the spirits they mixed with the pure grape of the dour o.

拉威尔。莫里森在曼彻斯特高级杯上用一脚94分钟的火箭球绝杀博尔顿。Ravel Morrison settled a dour encounter with Bolton in the Manchester Senior Cup with a jet-propelled strike in the 94th minute.

影片的故事从1976年开始,观众首先看到的是玛丽,她当时还是个孤单的小女孩,经常被同学捉弄,而她沉默寡言的父亲和嗜酒的母亲对这个女儿显然不怎么上心。We first meet Mary in 1976, a lonely child who's teased by the kids at school and neglected by her dour father and alcoholic mother.

特林布尔或许是个阴沉而且悲观的人,但在严厉的苏格兰-爱尔兰政治态度背后,他却是一个勇敢的理想主义者,愿意为了和平去冒风险。Trimble could be dour and pessimistic, but beneath his stern Scots-Irish front was a brave idealist who was also taking risks for peace.

爆发的言论集中在他的副总统,不爱说话的奥马尔·苏莱曼,前情报部长,是否会成为合适的代替人选上。Debates erupted over whether his vice-president, the dour Omar Suleiman, a former intelligence chief, would be an acceptable replacement.

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伊斯坦布尔决赛有点偏离常规。你认为这一次将恢复到保守的英格兰-大利式一球决胜?Istanbul was a bit of a freaky game. Do you think this one is going to revert back to the dour old English-Italian one-goal-in-it affair?

波尔图市延山势而建,可以眺望到杜罗河入海口,此地举世无双的城市景观已有千年历史。The city of oporto built along the hillsides overlooking the mouth of the dour o river is an outstanding urban landscape with a1000-year history.

投资人愈发相信经济最严峻时期已过,这扶助美股摆脱低迷的就业数据,该数据显示美国3月失业率为1983年来最高.Growing conviction that the worst is over for the economy helped Wall Street shrug off dour jobs data showing the highest unemployment rate since 1983.