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它的社会性和交流性。It's social and communicative.

她们都很有责任心,也很健谈。All are very responsible and communicative.

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怎样组织一堂交际教学课呢?。How to conduct a communicative language teaching class?

它是关于现存的,常用的,有交流功能的系统的研究。It's the study of existing, conventional, communicative systems.

听力是一门交际性、实践性很强的课程,也是外语教学中不易突破的难点。It is a practical communicative course and it is hard to deal with.

口语交际能力是一种个体的类化经验。The oral communicative ability is a individual systematic experience.

培养大学生跨文化交际能力。Equipping college students with cross-cultural communicative competence.

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情景对儿童交往归因的影响复杂相当。Setting has complex effects on the children's communicative attribution.

言语交际中的许多意义,往往是通过称呼表达出来的。Many communicative conveyances are accomplished through terms of address.

在此行运期,工作上的改变或沟通形式往往关联发生。Changes in job or communicative patterns often occur associated with this transit.

达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和令人震惊的色彩和手法作为表达元素。Dadaism asked"what is art"and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.

我如何用课本使我的交流式教学更有成效?。How can I teach more efficiently in a communicative way by using the class textbook?

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为了解决可靠性问题,通信系统必须进行差错控制。In order to realize the reliability, the communicative system has to control errors.

对学生交际策略是否具有可教性,学者仍然没有定论。Scholars still have divergent ideas on the teachability of communicative strategies.

实据性的选择与新闻传播的目的息息相关。The choices of evidentials are determined by the reporters' communicative intention.

副语言交际策略是指人们传递信息的特定的态势和手段。Paralinguistic communicative strategy refers to the specific gestures and approaches.

不过,学生的文化能力低于语言能力。The high school students' cross-cultural communicative competence is relatively good.

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达达主义设问“是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。Dadaism asked "what is art?" and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.

达达主义设问“什麽是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩和手法作答。Dadasim asked "what is art?" and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.

语言本身是带有理性特征的,哈贝马斯的交往理论强调以语言为核心。As the core of communicative action theory of Habermas, language has its own rationality.