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我更喜欢小牛肉。I prefer veal.

我偏爱白色。I prefer white.

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我更喜欢秋天。I prefer autumn.

我要雪利酒。I prefer sherry.

我比较喜欢生啤。I prefer draft beer.

我喜欢手动挡的。I prefer the manual.

沙鼠喜欢吃种子。Gerbils prefer seeds.

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我比较喜欢路易十七。I prefer Louis XVIII.

我比较喜欢听钢琴曲。I prefer piano music.

我偏好双人床.I prefer a double bed.

我爱吃鱼不大爱吃牛肉。I prefer fish to beef.

所以有些人宁愿不去医院。Some prefer not to go.

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我要下铺。I Prefer a lower berth.

我要熊猫牌的。I prefer Panda, please.

我想开美元帐户。I prefer a USD account.

我较喜欢小型车。I prefer a compact car.

我喜好品茗不喜欢喝咖啡。I prefer tea to coffee.

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我较喜欢自动排档车。I prefer the automatic.

我宁愿听歌。I would prefer singing.

你想喝什么?茶行吗?What tea do you prefer?