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技术先进的高速,高产量,高性能,低噪音的通用型高速松式络筒。This machine is a slack winder with currency and high speed.

所以当中国是夏天时,在澳大利亚吹着冷风。So when it is summer in China, it is cold winder in Australia.

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为了避免推迟发货,我们按照约定发出了绕线器。To avoid delaying the shipment, we sent the winder as scheduled.

线轮还没搞定。哪位好心推荐一个不贵的来搭配?。Winder not settled yet. Someone kindly recommend a cheap one for it?

不同的价格随着质量和每个络筒机的功能。The prices vary along with the quality and functionality of each winder.

本文主要阐述了一套基于现场总线技术的复卷机控制系统。In this paper, it describes a Fieldbus-Based Winder Machine Control System.

在许多方面,这份工作糟糕至极,但作为训练还是蛮有意思的。It was a ghastly job in many ways but interesting training, " says Winder."

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介绍一种球罐盘梯的设计方法。One design method for winder of spheroidal tank was presented in this article.

西蒙•温德通过麦克伦出版公司的培训涉足出版业。Simon Winder was given his start in publishing by the MacMillan's training scheme.

针对这种情况设计了一种并纱机控制器。Akind of textile doubling winder controller was designed according to this situation.

我可以告诉你,在即将召开的香港玩具展上也不会有鸡肉供应。I can tell you that there will no live chickens supply for the upcoming winder festival.

最后,将这一理论应用到矿井提升传动控制系统的可行性研究之中。At last, the theory of stepping control is applied to feasibility research of mine winder.

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大学生利用寒暑假出国游学俨然形成一种风潮。For collage students, it is encouraging to travel abroad during summer or winder vacation.

设计了一种玻璃钢弯管缠绕机。The design of a winder for the elbows of the glass fiber reinforced plastics was proposed.

另外在任何情况下,如果络纱机停车,应采取措施使筒子停止回转。Furthermore, provision must be made to stop the spool if, for any reason, the winder stops.

化纤生产中,高速卷绕头控制的关键是提高卷绕速度控制的精度。In fibre manufacture of chemical plants, it requires good quality to the high-speed winder.

七年前,温德回到英格兰后就跳槽到企鹅集团高就了。On his return to England, Winder made the move to a senior position at Penguin seven years ago.

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在高速络纱时,由于惯性作用,筒子的回转会导致纱线张力的波动。Also, upon start -up, higher tension are developed because the winder must overcome spool inertia.

热定型机末道收卷如果有张力锥度控制的要求,一般解决办法比较困难。It is difficult to control the winder of heat setting machine if the tapered tension control is needed.

本实用新型特指一种塑料薄膜生产工艺中用于收卷的收卷装置。The utility model in particular relates to a winder which is used to wind in a plastic film production process.