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我对语言的热爱来自于Yule。I got my love of language from Yule.

于尔先生告诉我,这事他已经想过了。Mr. Yule told me he had thought about it.

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看到一个圣诞节日志显示的承诺,为来年。To see a Yule log shows promise for the coming year.

圣诞柴这一传统有几百年的历史。The Yule Log is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years.

他在该美金汇率趋势拥有大量的土地,却概不外卖。Yule . he owned a lot of land in the area, but was selling none of it.

日耳曼人以及凯尔特人带来了燃烧现象大块柴木、品尝糕饼、陈放枞树等礼俗。The Yule log, cakes, and fir trees derive from German and Celtic customs.

这是一个木桩形状的巧克力蛋糕,上面装饰着糖塑的雕像。It's a Yule log-shaped chocolate cake with some sugar figurines on the top.

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而我是认真的,因为圣诞舞会是最重要的舞会。And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost a dance.

但是,没有证据表明圣诞树是一种直接后裔的圣诞节树。But there is no evidence that the Christmas tree is a direct descendent of the Yule tree.

而电视圣诞柴则是个相对较新的传统,主要是为那些没有烧柴壁炉的人家而设的。The Yule Log on TV is a relatively new tradition for those who have no fireplace to burn their own log.

于尔先生放下手中的报纸,摘掉眼镜,然后朝一对椅子指了指,我们就坐了下来。Mr. Yule put down his paper and removed his glasses. Then he pointed to a couple of chairs, and we sat down.

游山叫宇乐以后有任何困难可以找他,若云对游山的看法改观。Youshan ask Yule to look for him should he encounter any difficulties in future. Ruoyun changes her opinion of him.

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按照传统来说,耶稣柴在平安夜时拿到屋子里以后,就要一直燃到主显日。Traditionally, the Yule log is brought into a house on Christmas Eve and is burned continuously through Twelfth Night.

在中央系统供暖以前,为了点燃圣诞节的炉火,人们往往储备一大块木头。这块木头就被叫做“圣诞节原木”。In the days before central heating, a large piece of wood, called the "yule log", was saved for a blazing Christmas fire.

在德国古老的神话中,欧丁神会在圣诞节那天为众神和死去的勇士举办盛大的狩猎狂欢会。In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule.

直至19世纪为止,烧圣诞柴的习俗在英格兰、法国、德国和斯堪的纳维亚南部等地区依然相当流行。Up until the 19th century, the custom of burning the Yule log flourished in England, France, Germany and among the South Slavs.

伟大的艺术节将举行,称为圣诞季节,和特殊的节日,应该是与圣诞节壁炉燃烧服务。A great festival would be held, called the Yuletide, and a special feast would be served around a fire burning with the Yule log.

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而且它可以包括,邓迪蛋糕,巧克力圣诞节原木,松糕,填料,在毯子,肉汁面包酱,猪,野鸡。But also it can include , Dundee cake, Chocolate Yule log, trifle, stuffing, bread sauce, pigs in a blanket, gravy, and Pheasants.

在德国,常绿树用于礼拜和庆祝圣诞节之神,也是在纪念复活的太阳神。In Germany, the evergreen tree was used in worship and celebration of the Yule god, also in observance of the resurrected sun god.

不到一周的时间,我又来到他的办公室。于尔先生告诉我,这事他已经想过了。我屏住呼吸。“3800怎么样?”他问道。I was in his office again within a week. Mr. Yule told me he had thought about it. I held my breath. "How does 3800 sound?" he asked.