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你看不出他就是想扮出一副贵族派头吗?Can't you see he just wants to play the aristocrat?

他是一个道道地地的贵族。He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones.

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顾拜旦是法国贵族出生于1863年1月1日。Coubertin was a French aristocrat born on January 1, 1863.

他是一个古老的,胆怯,遭打压贵族谁下降的困难时期。He is an old, timid, beaten-down aristocrat who has fallen on hard times.

当今政客和政治家们养不养门客?。Nowadays do the politician and statesmen support a hanger-on of aristocrat?

决定着国家的政策的是农民和小生产者,而非贵族。It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's policies.

这个身高5英尺又2英寸的贵族此时面临着极为险恶的战略局势。The 5-foot-2-inch aristocrat was now placed in a precarious strategic situation.

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最后,狱卒将有文字的信件拿来,念给贵族听。At last, the gaoler fetched the copy written in full and read it to the aristocrat.

只召太后作为交换条件,要求守护、冸流等贵族公子组建花郎。Just call in exchange for the empress dowager, guard, Pan flow aristocrat Hwarang formation.

王良会赶车的事,后来被晋国的贵族赵襄子知道了,就请他到家里,向他学赶车的本领。Jin aristocrat named Zhao Xiangzi heard of Wang Liang's talents and invited him to teach him.

传说,三明治的命名来源于18世纪英国贵族约翰·孟塔古,也称为第四代三明治伯爵。"Sandwich" was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, an 18th-century English aristocrat.

昂贵的衣服通常都是以让你看起来像能买起高级时装的贵族为设计理念的。Expensive clothing is generally designed to make you look like an aristocrat who can afford couture.

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春秋时期,国君们与世卿争夺权力的斗争十分激烈。In the Spring and Autumn Period, the struggle between monarchs and aristocrat officials was very fierce.

由于历史原因,整个清代满族贵族有使用家奴的习俗,家奴的地位和处境不同于奴隶制度下的奴隶。The Man National Aristocrat used to make of family slaves during the Qing Dynasty because of historic fact.

“若是这贵族没抽中,”另一个说,“优秀的爱国者也不会比他更难过的。”A good patriot, ' said the other, 'could hardly have been more afflicted if the Aristocrat had drawn a blank.

欧美国家将天然苏打水确定为医疗用水,称之“黄金水”、“肝脏水”、“贵族水”。Some European countries confirm soda water as medical water, "gold water", "liver water", "aristocrat water".

诗歌对英国贵族和资产阶级的拜金主义作了淋漓尽致的揭露和讽刺。It also thoroughly revealed and satirized money-worshiping produced by both British aristocrat and bourgeoisie.

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注意到这个服饰华丽、满身香水味、皮鞋擦得贼亮的青年贵人,沃林顿只觉得又有趣又诧异。Warrington remarked with a pleased surprise the splendid toilet of this scented and shinybooted young aristocrat.

相传早间主要为王宫贵族府上食谱,后传入民间!Hands down in the morning mainly for the royal palace aristocrat your family place recipes, rear-drive enters the folk!

在16岁时,她爱上了珀西.雪莱——出身贵族却表明是无神论者,他在任何时候都是一个反叛者。At 16, Mary fell in love with Percy Shelley, an aristocrat by birth and atheist by declaration, a rebel at every chance.