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日元在回升。The yen is turning up.

我可以用日币付吗?Can I pay in Japanese yen ?

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我可以在这个旅馆里换日元吗?Can I exchange "yen" in this hotel?

洪金宝便是甄子丹真正的朋友。Sammo hung is donnie yen true friends.

欧元兑日圆为132.06,周四为130.77。The euro was at 132.06 yen from 130.77.

东电目前拥有约2万亿日元的现金流。TEPCO has a cash flow of 2 trillion yen.

本片的阵容包括甄子丹和金城武。Starring Donnie Yen and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

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严君玲在中国天津出生。Adeline Yen Mah was born in Tianjin, China.

美元兑日圆持稳在90.24日圆.The dollar was little changed at 90.24 yen.

欧元兑日元报108.34日元,上周五尾盘报107.29日元。The euro bought 108.34 yen from 107.29 yen.

美元/日圆8月31日收于84.16.The dollar closed at 84.16 yen on August 31.

“五日元”在日语里谐音“有缘份”。"Five yen" in Japanese harmonics "have fate".

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在东京,卡西欧上涨5.9个百分点,以七八九日元。In Tokyo, Casio gained 5.9 percent to 789 yen.

宿豫区颜艺制花厂负责人如是说。Suyu District Yen Yi-flower factory head said.

美元对日元汇率跌至15年来新低。The dollar is at a 15-year low against the yen.

日元对美元价格从76.40日元跌倒76.33日元。The dollar slipped to 76.33 yen from 76.40 yen.

有个蓝颜知己,也是一个女人的福气。Yen friends have a blue, a woman is a blessing.

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你看陈坤望向甄子丹那眼神!You can see that Yen Chen Kun look to the eyes!

如果我需要日元,我可以用英镑兑换些日元吗?I need yen ,I can exchange some pounds for yen ?

美元对日元汇率稳定在79日元附近。That kept the US dollar stabilized around 79 yen.