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“是的,”我回答她说。“Yeah, ” I reply.

请回应我吖。Please Reply Guys.

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他以笑做答。He laughed a reply.

现在我是不能不回复了。Now I had to reply.

当然可以,我回答道。Of course, I reply.

她口齿不清地做了一个回答。She lisped a reply.

汤姆边打呵欠边回答。Tom yawned a reply.

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Eshun没有回答。Eshun did not reply.

你有话要说吗?Do you want to reply?

她不屑回答。She deigned no reply.

他的回答使我哑然。His reply dumbfounded me.

他的回信内容如下。His reply ran as follows.

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我来代大家回答好吗?。Shall I reply for us all?

多洛霍夫没有回答他的话。Dolohov made him no reply.

他未给我答复。He vouchsafed me no reply.

单击此处可取消回复。Click here to cancel reply.

谁能给一个肯定的答复。Whow can give a firm reply.

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“大约35,”卖报人回答。"About 35, " was the reply.

但是她的回复对我来说是新鲜的。But her reply was new to me.

他的挑战没有得到回答。His challenge drew no reply.