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黑色素使皮肤变黑是人被晒黑的原因。Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan.

多补充维生素C,促进黑色素代谢。Multi-vitamin C, the promotion of melanin metabolism.

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酪氨酸酶是黑色素合成的关键酶。Tyrosinase is the key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis.

白化病是由于人的皮肤中不产生黑素而造成的。Albinism occurs in individuals who produce no melanin.

黑色素同时也主导着头发和眼睛的颜色。Melanin is also responsible for hair and eye coloring.

当阳光照到皮肤,会产生更多的黑色素。When sunlight hits the skin, more melanin is produced.

能防止和延缓黑色素的过旺分泌。It prevents and slows down excessive production of melanin.

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不含黑色素小体的毛发为亚麻色和灰白色。Does not contain melanin body for the flaxen hair, and gray.

黑色素同时还在某些视神经的发育过程中发挥作用。Melanin also plays a role in the development of certain optical nerves.

黑色素可以帮助身体过滤紫外线,但它也有害处。Melanin helps the body filter out UV radiation, but it also can be harmful.

其实,这是这些黑色素停止生成的结果。Well, this is what happens when you stop producing these melanin molecules.

受损肌肤,抑制黑色素再生,促进微循环。The damaged skin, inhibit melanin regeneration, promote the microcirculation.

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黑色人种的皮肤中有更多、颜色更深的黑色素成分。Dark-skinned people produce more numerous and deeper-colored melanin particles.

利用荧光光度分析法研究了黑色素对羟基自由基的清除活性。The scavenging of melanin to hydroxyl free radicals was studied by fluorometry.

如果你仔细观察,会发现她陶蓝色的虹膜也因为日晒而出现色素沉着的斑点。Even her delft-blue irises were dotted, if you looked, with tan specks of melanin.

颅咽管瘤的瘤细胞有黑色素极其罕见。Rare craniopharyngiomas may for bone fide melanin pigment in some neoplastic cells.

测定TRP-1反义核酸转染黑素细胞后细胞内黑素含量的变化。Then, the content of melanin in antisense TRP-1 transfected melanocyte was detected.

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这是因为毛囊中仍残留一些没有被分解的黑色素。This is due to the fact that there is still some melanin that will remain unreacted.

雀斑是在人白皙的皮肤上可以看见的小点黑素。Freckles are small bunches of melanin that are visible on individuals with fair skin.

本文旨在研究泰和乌骨鸡活性肽对小鼠骨髓细胞的增殖作用。Melanin was separated from protein in Taihe silkies by enzymic hydrolysis of protein.