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才不呢,她只是虚张声势。Naw , she's just bluffing.

目前,一定数量牧草的遗传连锁图谱已经产生。Naw an extensive list of linkage maps have been dvafted.

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杰克逊说,“而他说‘没有,失利并不会影响我们和我们的目标。He said, ' Naw , it's not going to affect us, what we do.

她描述瑙路易莎为一个非常活跃的人,热爱她的克伦族人,希望为他的族人尽力工作。She described Naw Louisa as a very active person who loved her Karen people and loved working for them.

但遗憾的是,有关纳税人知情权在我国现行立法、司法中严重缺失。But regretably, concerned taxpayer right to know in our country present legislation, judicature serious naw.

现在大学生都忙着考各种等级证书,可是又有几个是为啦学到东西?Naw student have a variety of busy Level Certificate Examinatation, but there are a few things for you to learn?

但是,人员不足、武器装备不足的诺康却较轻易地控制了金三角周边的地区。But undermanned and underarmed, Naw Kham was able to take control of areas surrounding the Triangle with remarkable ease.

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辛瓦瑙称将会提交一份联邦中央政府来信,承诺‘将不会向克钦独立军开火,除非受到攻击。’Sin Wa Naw said that he would give the KIO a letter from the government indicating that it will not fire on the KIO unless it is fired upon.

从报道可以看出,43岁的糯康在云南昆明的监狱里被警绳捆住,脸作怪相,随后又微笑。In the broadcast Naw Kham, 43, smiled slightly before grimacing as a restraining rope was tied around him in the prison in Kunming, in the southern province of Yunnan.

也许我不该使用“讨厌”这个词,而是“真是恼怒它了”。Naw. In retrospect, had I known this little tweet was going to spread across the masses like wildfire, perhaps I wouldn’t have used “hate,” but rather “really annoyed at.”

起初,负责禁毒和边防的泰军部队指责凶手是臭名昭著的毒贩武装——瑙坎强盗团伙。At first the Thai army unit with responsibility for anti-narcotics and border security blamed the killings on an armed group of drug-trafficking bandits led by the notorious Naw Kham.

首当其冲对禁用麻醉剂和边境地区稳定负责的是泰国军队,他们抱怨称枪击案是以南。可汉姆为首的毒品走私武装团伙干的。At first the Thai army unit with responsibility for anti-narcotics and border security blamed the killings on an armed group of drug-trafficking bandits led by the notorious Naw Kham.

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自那时起,所有从南到北航行于湄公河水域上的船只就一直全部置于诺康的管控之下,诺康是缅甸政府军麾下大其力地区民兵部队的前负责人。Since them all ships that ply the waters of the Mekong from north to south and back have been at the mercy of Naw Kham, a former Burma Army run People’s Militia Force chief in Tachilek.

联邦巩固与发展党的买票活动从5月10至25日在葡萄镇的玛强堡所属的北步堡、北威堡、南坎、曼瑙、南布阳等村寨展开。Distributing money for votes by USDP has been from May 10 to 25 in N'bu Baw, N'wai Baw, Nam Hkam, Man Naw and Nambu Yang villages in Machyangbaw Town in Puta-O District, said local sources.