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面临职业性接触风险者应Those at risk of occupational exposure should

而直觉性的职业也最吸引你。The intuition of occupational most attracts you.

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然后当然你们还有职业的曝光。And then of course you have occupational exposures.

新登船旅客受到了职务安全教育吗?Are new passengers instructed on occupational safety?

在离港前指导船员职务安全。Instruct crew on occupational safety before departure.

主要的职业病是腕骨综合症。The main occupational hazard is carpal tunnel syndrome.

癌症的职业和环境原因是什么?What are occupational and environmental causes of cancer?

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职业外照射剂量,采用TLD剂量计测得。Occupational radiation dose was detected by TLD dose meter.

矿运司机未发现职业病。The occupational diseases are not found in mineral drivers.

这项工作就适用法定职业要求。that you could have a bona fide occupational qualification,

这是复旦大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生教研室的网页。This is the webpage of the Department of Occupational Health.

蚂蚁大军又是怎么“占领”了路曼曼的红裙子?Is ant main forces how " occupational " red skirt of Lumanman?

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乙型肝炎病毒是影响卫生工作者的具有传染性的一大职业危害。HBV is a major infectious occupational hazard of health workers.

每三名职业性癌症死亡病例中,就有一例是由石棉引起的。One in three deaths from occupational cancer is caused by asbestos.

职务犯罪是智能型、高隐秘型犯罪。Occupational crime is a kind of high intelligent and deep-covered one.

作品中低音大提琴手讲述了他一个人的生活―家庭,职业,爱情。Bass player works on a person's life-his family, occupational and love.

方法应用OSI-R量表对427名警察进行问卷调查。Methods The occupational stress of 427 policemen was measured with OSIR.

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职业安全保障中的政府行为具有妥当性。The Government should act appropriately on securing occupational safety.

职业性白内障诊断标准及处理原则。Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational cataract.

劳动和社会保障部中心主任陈职业资格认证对记者说。Director of the Center for Occupational accreditation Chen told reporters.