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法律签收。Legal sign-off.

主要是法律上的问题。Legal ones, mostly.

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其他合法收入。Other legal income.

这些是合法实体。These are legal entities.

甚至重新包装再卖也是合法的。Even repackaging is legal.

那些钱是合法的油钱。It is oil money and legal.

它曾经是,这是合法的吗?It used to be. It is legal?

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它是完全合法的公司。It was all perfectly legal.

什么是法人股?What is legal person share?

那是你的合法财产。It is your legal possessions.

人工流产是否合法容易?Isn’t abortion legal and easy?

为机器设备制造数字指纹是合法的。Device fingerprinting is legal.

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我们怎样得到法律援助?How do we get legal assistance?

到你21岁之前是非法的,It's not legal until you're 21,

必须在法律和遵守服务条款。Must be legal and abide by TOS.

但这是法定情形。But this is the legal situation.

我认为这已不再是合法的。I think that is no longer legal.

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上诉是他的正当权利。It is his legal right to appeal.

如果他获得了法定监护权呢?What if he gained legal custody?

童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。Tong Nian is its soly legal heir.