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但柏拉图的书的确是乌托邦。But Plato's book is a utopia.

该网站对茅先生发起了控告,控告其犯有颠覆罪和诽谤罪。Utopia accuses Mr Mao of subversion and libel.

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不久后,中日战争摧毁了这个乌托邦。Soon, the Sino-Japanese War destroyed this utopia.

马尔戴克是一个乌托邦,那里没有所有的奋斗。Maldek was a utopia that was devoid of all struggle.

但这是那门子的乌托邦,要靠武力维持?But what kind of a utopia is it which is kept by force?

但是这个乌托邦只是会受到到菩提树实验室研究结果的限制。But this utopia extends only to the borders of Linden Lab.

然而,在这里取得一个胜利的结果恰似乌托邦似的幻景。To get a result here and win the game would have been utopia.

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血腥凶残的乌托邦和幻灭的时代产下了混血儿。The hybrid child of a murderous utopia and a disenchanted époque.

将拖轮在右侧主甲板上挽牢。Utopia Aft Station. Make tug fast on main deck on starboard side.

然而,理想中的乌托邦结果却是灰暗、苍白地,震人发愦。But the promised Utopia turned out to be shockingly grim and grey.

对昔日的许多消费者而言,新燕莎的确堪称乌托邦。For many customers yesterday, New Yansha was indeed a kind of utopia.

在马克思主义的乌托邦的世界里,还依然会有公路事故吗?So will there still be roadaccidents in this Marxist utopia of yours?

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即便是乌有之乡的人士也一定会感受到张所希望的乌托邦性质,真是很有反讽意味。Even Utopia must see the irony in the utopian nature of Zhang’s hopes.

法律社会是法律学者力图构建的应然美好的正义之邦。The justice society is a perfect Utopia that jurists seek to construct.

乌有之乡宣称警方已经保证要严肃处理此事。Utopia claims that the police have promised to take the case seriously.

理想国无铁窗、扇扇窗扉迎阳光。Without shutters , the windows of the "Utopia" welcome in the sunlight.

从时间性的角度来说,希望蕴涵着面向未来的敞开。The hope, viewed from temporality, is a utopia that is open to the future.

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新的花园城市不仅标志着一个乌托邦,也标志着一种生态文明。The new garden city is a mark not of utopia but of ecological civilization.

他们梦想建立一个以享乐、理性和共鸣为基础的乌托邦。They dreamt of a Utopia built on pleasure-seeking, rationality and empathy.

由此可见,理想与乌托邦之间有重要的区别。This goes to show that there is a vital difference between ideality and utopia.