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你是个人渣。You are scum.

那家伙是个人渣。The man is a scum.

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我觉得你是个流氓。I think you are scum.

人变成了人渣。The people become scum.

霉斑不见了,污渍消失了。The mould and scum melt away.

我监测到有人渣的存在。I detect the presence of scum.

他们是这个地球上的堕落者。They are the scum of the earth.

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真是社会败类才会做的事!What the scum of society will do!

与我打交道的人都是混蛋。All the people I deal with are scum.

别和那些社会渣滓混在一起。Don't hang around with that kind of scum.

我觉得吧,你这样的败类应该去死。I think it, you are such scum should die.

当肉煮沸时,把浮在上面的浮渣撇掉。When the meat is boiling, removethe scum.

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长的一表人渣还好意思说我。A long table scum return not bashful say me.

粥煮沸时,请把浮沫撇去。Scum the bubble when the porridge is boiling.

这些所谓的球迷是社会渣滓。These so-called football supporters are scum.

只有恶劣的饮食才能把那些家伙挡在外边。It’s only the bad food as keeps all that scum away.

当汤滚了之后,我们把火减小然后剽除汤里的浮渣。When it is on the boil – we lessen the fire and scum.

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你不能鼓励他们好吃懒做,这可是些瘪三。You don’t want to go encouraging of them. They’re scum.

诱惑就是带来你心中污垢的导火索。Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart.

人渣恶棍混迹的肮脏场所却总有最好的音乐。Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music.