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那字噪音真营毖我弄疯了。That noise driving me frantic.

我听到疯狂的求救哭叫声。I heard frantic cries for help.

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疯狂的流浪者和神法的见证者A frantic wanderer and witness of Gods Law

露西玛丽疯狂的想要拿回那些钱。Rosemary was frantic to get the money back.

你父母现在肯定快要急死了。Your parents must be getting frantic by now.

我十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。I was frantic to finish the report on schedule.

他作了个发狂般的姿势,便冲出屋去了。With a frantic gesture, he rushed out of the room.

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可是林先生却急坏了,冷汗从额角上钻出来。Cold sweat bedewed Mr. Lin's forehead. He was frantic.

疯狂的设计师举着光剑似地举着卷发钳。Frantic stylists hoisted curling irons like lightsabers.

敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle.

影星们驾车在街道上驶过,疯狂的影迷们狂呼高喊。The stars drove through streets heaving with frantic fans.

咱们回家吧。你的父母现在肯定快要急死了。Let's go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.

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约翰·里卡多和我一样一天比一天更焦急。Like me, John Riccardo was getting more frantic by the day.

餐馆晚上生意好,厨房里可能会忙成一片。A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.

对性的狂热崇拜导致了艾滋病的大流行。From the frantic worship of Sex has come the pandemic of AIDS.

他不断说阿索卡太紧张慌乱,行动太快。He keeps telling Ahsoka she's too frantic and moving too fast.

对另外一些人而言,这意味着要在商厦里疯狂地选购礼物了。For others, it means frantic days of gift-shopping at the mall.

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她们一说话就会变得粗野,甚至愚蠢。When they talked they suddenly became frantic and almost silly.

发疯似的满世界找你结果你已经和他私奔到月球。Frantic say-can seek you results have you elope with him to the moon.

找自己的姐妹淘,偶尔疯狂一个通宵有什么不可以?To find their own Jiemei Tao, occasionally frantic a night, what not?