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和谐的生活。Live harmoniously.

人鸟能否“共蝉娟”?Can Birds and Human live together harmoniously?

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国防工业实行军民结合、平战结合。To connect or combine precisely or harmoniously.

是家园独霸还是和谐共享?Dispossessing the homestead or sharing harmoniously?

表壳中段凸耳销和谐的延伸出来。The case middle is harmoniously extended by the lugs.

而是,它打算和平、和谐地崛起。Rather, it intends to rise peacefully and harmoniously.

他们中的三个创建者都配合默契。Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously.

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由此,各民族得以协调振荡,完整共存。As a result, all Ethnos could coexist completely and harmoniously.

我们这个屯子不大,大家都能和睦相处。Our village is not big, all the people can get along harmoniously.

这种和谐的标准集成雾灯和格栅。This integrates harmoniously the standard fog lights and the grille.

所以,文章从美食与美器如何谐合的角度与同行来进行探讨、商榷。This article is about how to match containers with the food harmoniously.

深圳是个移民城市,但市民们都能和谐相处。Shenzheng city is a immigrant city, in which people can live harmoniously.

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作者、译者、读者三者之间应该是相互依存、相互渗透的。The translator, the ST author and the TF reader should co-exist harmoniously.

珍贵的世纪末古董与先进科技融合地结合在一起。Precious fin-de-siècle antiques blend harmoniously with the latest technology.

五世同堂、和睦相处、相敬如宾。The five generations in his family lived together harmoniously and with respect.

近代以前,科普特人作为“被保护民”,与埃及主体居民穆斯林和睦相处。The Copts as Dhimmis lived with Egyptian Muslims harmoniously before modern times.

显然,我们需要的是后者,需要的是和谐的综合执法。Apparently, what we need is the latter, the harmoniously comprehensive enforcement.

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传统文化与国际潮流在这里相互交融、相得益彰。Traditional cultures and international trends blend here and co-exist harmoniously.

浓郁紧实的风味于味蕾上绵延留连,和谐而悠长。The richness and intensity of the flavor linger long and harmoniously on the palate.

演示了如何协调商品形象和视觉联合起来,创造一个品牌和时尚的形象。It demonstrates how the sectors harmoniously unite to create a brand and fashion image.