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类胡萝卜素的提取进行了研究。The abstraction of carotene from Rhoddoseudo-monas Palustris strain B.

B-胡萝卜素在500多个成员的类胡萝卜素中,只是其中一员。Beta carotene is only one of more than 500 members of the carotenoid family.

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绿色植物中含有叶绿素、叶黄素和胡萝卜素。The colorants of green plants consist of chlorophyll, xanthophyll and carotene.

虾青素是目前被认为具有超级抗氧化功能的一种类胡萝卜素。At present, astaxanthin is regarded as a carotene with ultra-antioxidant performance.

胡萝卜素能有效地防止太阳灼伤皮肤,令到你的皮肤光洁如雪,一点皱纹都没有!Beta carotene can help prevent sun damage that leads to wrinkle and other signs of aging.

胡萝卜素对补血极有益,所以把胡萝卜煮汤,是很好的补血汤饮。Carotene in the blood of the very useful, so the carrot soup, soup is good to drink blood.

胡萝卜素血症是一种因血内胡萝卜素含量过高引起的肤色黄染症。Is a result of high blood carotene content of the color yellow staining caused by disease.

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胡萝卜素是非常好的解毒剂,其所形成的维他命在深绿色纱喨色蔬菜中也都含有。A good antidote is beta carotene a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables.

这种药丸是科学家根据番茄红素,即番茄中红胡罗卜素色素,研究开发出的。Scientists developing the pill based it on lycopene, the red carotene pigment found in tomatoes.

结果表明,柱花草叶粉含有较丰富的叶黄素和胡萝卜素。They were result showed that the leaf meal of Stylo contained generous xanthophyll and carotene.

类胡萝卜素的提取方法和组分进行了研究。The abstraction and analysis of compositions of carotene from Rhodopseudomonas Palustris strain B.

胡萝卜素可有效抵御紫内线的辐射,对夏季的肌肤颐养有很大的益处。Carotene may be effective against purple inside of the radiation, cozy summer skin greatly benefits.

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结论天然胡萝卜素对DMBA诱发的动物口腔癌前病变有逆转作用。Conclusion Natural carotene could effectively revert DMBA-induced oral premalignant lesion in hamsters.

研究了以玉米淀粉厂副产品玉米黄粉为原料,提取类胡萝卜素的最佳工艺条件。The extraction of carotene from maize yellow powder, a by- product in a maize starch plant, was studied.

脂肪可促进脂溶性的维生素A、维生素D、维生素E、维生素V和胡萝卜素有吸收。They can promote the adsorption of ester-soluble Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin V, and carotene.

在这项研究中,研究人员用两组有认知能力的男子做了β-胡萝卜素对他们的影响的测试。In this study, researchers examined the effects of beta carotene on cognitive ability in two groups of men.

红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡罗卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans.

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研究表明饮食中富含胡萝卜素的人得肺癌的机率会小很多。Studies have shown that people who eat a diet rich in beta carotene are much less likely to develop lung cancer.

Grodstein说某些人群摄入β-胡萝卜素可能引起风险,如提高了吸烟者得肺癌的风险。Taking beta carotene may have risks for some people such as raising lung cancer risk in smokers, Grodstein said.

“米邦塔”食用仙人掌含有蛋白质、矿物质、纤维素、胡萝卜素及18种氨基酸。Opuntia Milpa Alta"edible cactus contains proteins, mineral materials, cellulose, carotene and18kinds of amino acids."