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其实去角质的都差不多。In fact, almost all scrub.

这地板需要好好地擦洗一番。This floor needs a good scrub.

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泼出的墨水不容易擦洗掉。The spilt ink won't scrub out easily.

用扭曲的海绵大力搓洗玻璃。Scrub the glass with a wrung-out sponge.

研究者发现,灌木丛里的鸟儿也能把你骗到。Scrub jays can trick you, researchers say.

你得用力擦,才能把那块污迹去掉。You'll have to scrub hard to get that stain out.

用盆盆罐罐前一定要洗净。Always scrub the tins out before using them again.

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我手上弄上了油漆,洗也洗不掉。I got paint on my hands and it will not scrub off.

我要把你洗的脸掉层皮,看你还嚣张。I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.

我洗干净一个胡罗卜,把它切成小块。I scrub off a carrot and chop it into bite-size pieces.

用力搓洗玻璃,注意要多角度清洁各个边角。Scrub the glass, working at all angles to clean the edges.

绿色天然丝瓜手套用于擦洗身体,在洗澡。Natural greenness loofah gloves use for body scrub in bath.

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搓手产生肥皂沫,用力擦洗所有表面。Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces.

磨砂和喷雾水彩创建有趣的纹理。Scrub and spray watercolors to create interesting textures.

一个手术助理护士已经将无菌手术服准备好了,举着在等她。A scrub nurse was already holding out a sterile surgical gown.

轻轻地揉搓上5分钟效果最好。Massage the scrub in for a good five minutes for best results.

那条铁路旁边有一片矮灌木丛和林地。There is an area of scrub and woodland beside the railway line.

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你可以清理乙烯基侧板与普通肥皂和板刷。You can clean vinyl siding with regular soap and a scrub brush.

将薯仔洗净,然后隔热水蒸或放进微波炉加热直至变腍。Scrub potatoes if necessary and steam or microwave until tender.

所以,他又挖了一个新的洞。然后又去清洗床单刮擦地板。Then he went back again to clean the sheets and scrub the floor.