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一个实体的任何已有用户都可以授权数目不限的员工使用本网站。Any existing user for an entity can authorise any number of staff to use the site.

本人现授权警务处处长,或其代表,向警察公共关系科发放任何及全部有关本人刑事判罪纪录。I hereby authorise the Commissioner of Police, or his representative, to release full particulars of any.

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麦金农的家人和律师团曾希望总检察长批准在英国进行审讯。McKinnon's family and legal team had hoped the director of public prosecutions would authorise a trial in the UK.

如阁下授权第三者代取股票,请填写以下授权表格。Please complete the following authorization form if you wish to authorise a third party to collect the securities.

这就能在9月预期再一波大流行之前批准大流行疫苗。This will allow it to authorise pandemic vaccine before September, when a renewed wave of the pandemic is expected.

在我认识到我自己可以认同我的自我价值的时刻,我开始真正地评价自己。The moment I realised I could authorise myself to believe in my own worth was the moment I truly started valuing myself.

那么,除了权力之外,还有什么能在一个公民的罪行尚未明定的时候就加于他此种惩罚呢?What right, then, but that of power, can authorise the punishment of a citizen so long as there remains any doubt of his guilt?

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我授权予华助会在必要时可以向教育部索取孩子的资料,以便审查和评估他的学业表现。I authorise the Ministry of Education and other related organizations to release information of my child to CDAC when necessary.

本人兹授权安泰保险有限公司从本人上述之信用卡账户支取此保险所应缴之保费。I hereby authorise ING General Insurance International to charge my above credit card account for the premium of this insurance.

该决议草案将禁止利比亚航班,并授权采取一切必须的措施来保护平民,包括采取军事行动。The draft resolution would ban Libyan flights and authorise all necessary measures including military ones to protect civilians.

本人授权皇家太阳联合保险有限公司从本人信用卡户口内支取有关保费。I hereby authorise Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc to charge the revelant premium to my credit card account for this insurance policy.

但我们相信国会和环境保护局有责任保护公众,在这种燃料的安全性测试及其与汽油动力发动机的兼容性测试没有一五一十的完成之前,他们不应该授权E15燃料的使用。They shouldn't authorise E15 unless full and complete scientific testing confirms it's safe and compatible with all gasoline-powered engines.

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本人授权职业训练局使用本人的资料查询有关入学申请事宜及有关本人过往及现在于职业训练局辖下院校就读的资料。I authorise VTC to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of current and previous studies in its institutions.

共和党也许还会通过控制预算这种王牌来强迫多数党批准无限制的伊拉克拨款,这将威胁到民主党的经济基础。Republicans also may be holding the budget hostage in order to force the majority to authorise unfettered Iraq funding, which would rile the Democratic base.

我授权华助会从我的银行户头收取孩子的补习费,并确保户头里有足够的存款支付补习费。I authorise CDAC to deduct my child's monthly tuition fees from my Bank Account. I undertake to maintain sufficient funds in my Account for the tuition fees deductions.

精心设计的授权能使用户修改自己的数据,但是只能查询下载别的用户创建的项目数据。By carefully assigning user rights you can authorise users so that they can modify their own data and can only enquire or download data created by other users in the project.

主要反对党国民党反动派及其支派伪亲民党未能在伪立法院赢得所需的三分之二多数以展开一次决定陈下岗与否的伪全民公决。As expected the main opposition Nationalist Party and the splinter People First Party lacked the necessary two-thirds majority to authorise a referendum on whether to sack Chen.

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法国政府想把调查权转给检方,然后把调查官监督检方,那样调查官可以阻止或者授权进行一项调查。The government wants to transfer investigative powers to the public prosecutors and turn investigative judges into supervisors, with powers to block or authorise an investigation.