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选择有更宽敞伸腿空间的飞机。Choose planes with more legroom.

购买一个有额外放腿空间的经济舱座位。Buy a coach seat with extra legroom.

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而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom.

你所选乘的航空公司没有“额外的空间订购”选择?No "extra legroom for purchase" option on your airline?

这样就可以为你提供至少两英寸的额外空间。Doing so can earn you as much as two inches of extra legroom.

自由式也将提供最好的一流的第二和第三排腿部空间。Freestyle will also offer best-in-class second and third row legroom.

机上可折叠的座椅托盘装上了金色的把手,座位亦是气派宽敞。The folding seat-back trays have gold-colored hinges, and there is plenty of legroom.

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而且,出于同样的原因,该公司开始生产长轴距汽车,以提供较大的后座空间,让乘客可以舒服地伸展双腿。It is adding long-wheel-base models that provide more rear-seat legroom for the same reason.

后腿空间增加2.7寸,比思域,科罗拉,克鲁兹,伊兰特多。Rear legroom has increased 2.7 inches, giving it more than the Civic, Corolla, Cruze or Elantra.

除非有人告诉你得到额外三英寸是什么滋味,不然你很难理解三英寸对你而言有什么意义。Until someone tells you what three extra inches of legroom is, it’s hard to know what it means to you.

这家航空公司通过增加座位前的伸腿空间及开展常客奖励计划来吸引商务旅行者。The airline is attracting business travellers by increasing legroom and launching a frequent-flyer programme.

你知道的,洗手间旁边那个,座位靠背不能放倒,腿也根本没地方放,我们知道这种感受。You know, the one right next to the bathroom, with a seat back that doesn't recline and legroom that doesn't exist?

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在那些入围的车型中,11款具备最佳公路燃油效率、腿部和头上空间组合的汽车构成了我们这个名单。Of those finalists, the 11 vehicles with the best combination of highway fuel efficiency, legroom and headroom made our list.

其他航空公司可能会在机场提供自动的“额外座位伸腿空间”升级服务,所以在登机前一定别忘了询问一下工作人员。Other airlines may offer spontaneous "extra coach legroom" upgrades at the airport, so be sure to ask about them at check in.

熊阔海回想起老顾在牺牲前交给他一把保险箱的钥匙,于是与组织取得联系和拿到经费的希望就落在了老顾落脚处的保险箱上。XiongKuo sea recall old gu in sacrifice before to him a safe keys, and contact with organizations and get funding hope falls on the old gu legroom safe.

较长的车轮底座为后部提供了更多的伸腿空间,也被额外的门的边框和后座懒散的气息所强调。The longer wheel base provides more legroom in the back and is underlined in the interior by the additional door bezels and the lounge appeal of the back seats.

当有乘客决定付费预定豪华经济舱座位、贵宾乘客升级至头等舱或豪华经济舱时,常规空间的座位就会开放。Seats without extra legroom open up as customers decide to pay the fee for Economy Plus and elite-level customers get upgraded to first class or to Economy Plus.

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如果你支付一定的升级费,捷蓝航空公司、德尔塔航空公司和联合航空等其他航空公司会售给你额外几英寸的空间让你来放你的腿。JetBlue, Delta, United and other airlines will sell you a few extra inches of legroom at the front of the economy cabin or in exit rows for a reasonable upgrade fee.

综合性的SeatGuru座位布局内容首次被应用到机票搜索引擎上,,通过颜色显示的地图可以标注每个座位的详细信息,包括坐距和噪音。Comprehensive SeatGuru content is available for the first time ever in a flight search engine through colour-coded maps with detailed information about each seat, from legroom to noise levels