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他截击了那个球。He returned the ball on the volley.

照这样来说,真能管它叫抽射吗?As such, can it really be called a volley?

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一支群射的箭飞过花园的墙头?A volley of arrows flew over the garden wall?

俄而白鹤展翅凌空,冲人霄汉。Eer volley crane wings, red people dauntless.

至少现在我们知道了什么能构成一次凌空抽射。At least we now know what constitutes a volley.

躲避排枪与躲避单枪是一样容易的。It is as easy to dodge a volley as a single shot.

警察向人群射击数发橡皮子弹。Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd.

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年的排坛被拉美选手所控制。Volley ball was dominated by Latin Americans in 1992.

碎片齐发对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害。Shard Volley deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

猎人的乱射伤害已经被提高了。The damage of Hunter's Volley ability has been increased.

拦击和阻挡在乒乓球比赛中是很好的技术。Volley and obstruct are good technique in ping-pong sport.

米尔尼的强力发球和网前截击显得并不十分有效。Mirnyi's powerful serve and volley game proved ineffective.

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打排球是我们每个星期天最喜爱的体育活动之一。Playing volley -ball is our favorite physical activities on weekend.

而巴拉克就在这大舞台上送出了一记有超群技巧的凌空抽射。Ballack on the big stage delivered with a volley of superb technique.

我民兵的高射炮连续进行射击。Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti-aircraft artillery.

在比赛79分钟时范佩西胸部卸下迪亚比的挑传之后一记凌空射门。In the 79th minute he chested down Abou Diaby's chip and volley goalwards.

他把枪口对准他刚才见过的日本人的火力点,打了一梭子。He directed it to where he had seen the Japanese gunfire and loosed a volley.

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他们从一开始就表现出了水平,但法国人却把第一个进球的好机会射偏了。They combined well early on but the Frenchman miscued a volley in front of goal.

在第40分钟“老太太”奋起反击。他在近距离将内德卫的射门球补射入网。The Old Lady hit back in the 40th with Pavel Nedved's volley drive in close range.

我们打网前反弹球,哪个人先输10分就输了。We played a reflex volley game where the first person to accumulate 10 points loses.