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与之相关的权数。and its associated weight.

她同他有往来。She associated herself with him.

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和一个站点关联的子站点。Subsites associated with a site.

他因年老而昏聩。Associated with old age, he doted.

美联社2011年版权所有。Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

非整倍体与肿瘤相关。Aneuploidy is associated with cancer.

这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为跟他有关。" a phrase often associated with him.

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常常与黑品诺联系在一起。Frequently associated with Pinot Noir.

快乐来源于口腔的动作。The mouth is associated with pleasure.

他投身于一项伟大的事业。He associated himself with a great cause.

他们是本公司的股东。They associated themselves in the company.

对于骨髓疾病相关性贫血。Anemias associated with bone marrow disease.

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发现程序管理器和相关的工作流。a discoverer manager and associated workflow

将每个社团的入会费综合起来考虑。Consider all fees associated with each group.

间质肺炎常伴有发热。Pneumonitis is usually associated with fever.

模式具有与其相关联的特权。Schemas have privileges associated with them.

这通常与高尿钙有关。This is often associated with hypercalciuria.

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可以给我发一些相关文件吗?You can send me some of the associated files?

附属喉管压力试验证明书。Associated pipework pressure test certificate.

这是美联社C.R为您播报的AP一分钟新闻节目。C.R, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.