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席德讽刺地问道。Sid asked sarcastically.

安娜贝利挖苦地说,“请你过来一下。”Annabel said sarcastically. “Please come.”

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“猜字谜怎么样?”我挖苦地问。"How about charades?"I asked sarcastically.

“哦,我好担心啊,”他声音充满讽刺。“Oh, I'm so worried, ” he said sarcastically.

她费了很大的劲才忍住没说挖苦的话。She tried very hard not to speak sarcastically.

挑的好时间,艾丽西娅,我不无自嘲地想道。Good timing, Alicia, I thought to myself sarcastically.

安娜贝利重重地给了他脑袋一拳。He said sarcastically. Annabel whacked him on the head.

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她讽刺地在他微笑而且开始了准备。She smiled sarcastically at him and began preparations.

在某种情况下,反唇相讥是必要的。Under certain conditions, answering back sarcastically is necessary.

“太好了!”梅金挖苦道,“那我们还是骑着扫把回家吧。”“Great!” Megan said sarcastically. “We get on these broomsticks and ride home.”

安德烈公爵直盯着安娜·帕夫洛夫娜的脸,发出了一阵冷笑。Prince Andrey smiled sarcastically , looking straight into Anna Pavlovna's face.

“太好了!”梅金挖苦道,“那我们还是骑着扫把回家吧。”"Great! " Megan said sarcastically. "We get on these broomsticks and ride home. "

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在马可所用的希腊文这是同一个字,但在第6节是直接的意思,在第9节是讽刺的意思。In Mark's Greek these are the same word, used directly in 6 and sarcastically in 9.

忍住为自己辩护的冲动,不要嘲讽的回应或沉默以对。Resist the urge to defend yourself, respond sarcastically or give your boss the silent treatment.

他因为连续九年年“吃空饷”而被评为“史上最牛公务员”。He was sarcastically given the name "most capable civil servant" for his nine years of freeloading.

他因为连续九年”吃空饷”而被戏称为”史上最牛公务员”。He was sarcastically given the name "most capable civil servant" for his 9 consecutive years of freeloading.

他讽刺说,另外两名仅被标为“保护”级别的中国人将会嫉妒于教授。He suggested sarcastically that two other Chinese individuals labeled only as "protect" would be jealous of Prof. Yu.

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德罗巴51分钟射门得分,11分钟后罗本被红牌罚下。穆里尼奥讽刺性拍手以示抗议。Drogba scored in the 51st minute, with Robben shown the red card 11 minutes later. Mourinho reacted by sarcastically applauding.

虎克,这个被瑞金娜讽刺地说是花眼线的男人,试图把暗黑者召唤回自己身上,但是失败了,因为—倒抽一口气!Hook, who Regina sarcastically refers to as "guyliner, " tries to summon the Dark One back to him but is unsuccessful because – gasp!

人家流血流汗的时候你怎么不眼红啊,现在有了奖金你就眼红了,站着说话不腰疼。How do others bleed perspiration time you not to be jealous, now had the bonus you to be jealous, spoke irresponsibly and sarcastically.