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农夫荷锄犁,倦倦回家门。The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.

然后,一个农夫说,跟我们说一说工作吧。Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work.

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接著一位庄稼汉说,跟我们谈谈「工作」吧。Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work.

一位农民说,请为我们谈谈劳作。Then a ploughman said, "Speak to us of Work."

于是一个农夫说,请给我们谈工作。Then a ploughman said, "Speak to us of Work ."

这个农民从土里犁出了些古代遗物。The ploughman turned up some relics of ancient times.

老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。Teacher, , you are the ploughman beauty, the sower of beauty.

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老两口为他们的小不点儿子感到十分自豪。The poor ploughman and his wife were very proud of their little son.

农夫给他的公牛和驴一起套上牛轭,然后赶着它们下地犁田。A ploughman yoked2 his ox and his ass3 together, and set to work to plough his field.

为什么恶魔伪装成农夫,问佛陀是否看到了他的牛是很有意思的。Why did Mara disguise himself as a ploughman and ask the Buddha if he had seen his oxen?

他完全可能是一个怪癖的地主,也完全可能是一个体面的农夫。He might with equal probability have been an eccentric landowner or a gentlemanly ploughman.

只有小教区牧师受到乔叟的称赞,认为他是真正善良勤奋的基督教徒,因为他与庄稼汉兄弟一样过着贫穷的生活。Only the parish priest earned Chaucer's praise as a kind and hard-working Christian, but he was poor like his brother the ploughman.

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但二十多岁时,彭斯就因为他的诗歌迎合了人们对浪漫主义和田园乐趣增长的文学品味而被誉为农民诗人。However, by his early twenties Burns was hailed as the Ploughman Poet because his poems complemented the growing literary taste for romanticism and pastoral pleasures.