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格伦贝克的观点是来自他的信仰。Glenn Beck is coming from his faith.

约翰-葛伦是太空施行的先驱者。John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.

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这本书拖沓,不像巴札纳的那本古尔德。It drags, unlike Bazzana’s Glenn Gould book.

葛伦的房子有好多地方得修理。Glenn has to make several repairs to his house.

约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。PIONEER】John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.

格伦?麦克唐缴,华盛顿大学圣路难斯总校。Glenn MacDonald, Washington University in St. Louis.

重要的是我是格伦-霍德尔的铁杆粉丝。Main thing was that I was a big fan of Glenn Hoddle.

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我完全不知道格伦穆凯尔做了什么。I clearly did not know what Glenn Mulcaire was up to.

在之后的数年中,古尔德和科内利亚成为情人。After several years, Glenn and Cornelia became lovers.

在他的生活里,总有这样那样的乐趣点缀着,相映成趣。The life of Glenn Wilkinson is fun, of this sort or that.

艾美奖获奖的女演员格伦克洛斯产生的作品。Emmy-award winning actress Glenn Close produced the piece.

约翰·格伦在1939年上大学时学习如何驾驶飞机。John Glenn learned how to fly while attending college in 1939.

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吉布森也替补格伦。蕙兰出场。Gibson entered the fray moments earlier as a sub for Glenn Whelan.

从2008年到现在,格伦·贝克一直在警告说会出现恶性通货膨胀。Glenn Beck has been warning about imminent hyperinflation since 2008.

这位是格伦•普莱伯,黄石国家公园的首席科学家。That’s Glenn Plumb, a chief scientist with Yellowstone National Park.

纽卡斯尔主帅罗德在得知欧文的伤情恢复情况后欣喜若狂。Newcastle manager Glenn Roeder was thrilled by the news of Owen's progress.

导演格伦科克雷尔说,电视节目一直是本集团拥有良好。Director Glenn Cockrell says the television show has been good for the group.

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格伦·霍德尔的球队当时只需一场胜利,便能取得进军法兰西的门票。Glenn Hoddle's team went to Rome needing just a draw to make it to France 98.

老鹰乐队宣布,吉他手格列弗雷去世,享年67岁。Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67, the band has announced.

格伦阿萨姆,新飞公司的首席财务官,没有对此做更进一步的评论。Glenn Asham, New Flyer’s chief financial officer, declined to comment further.