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摩托罗拉随后进行了反诉。Motorola subsequently countersued.

摩托罗拉对罗宾声明的回应Motorola vouches for Rubin's statement.

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摩托罗拉拥有超过17000项专利。Motorola holds more than 17, 000 patents.

微软也正因安卓系统而起诉摩托罗拉。Microsoft is suing Motorola over Android too.

本季度摩托罗拉仅售出44万台Xoom平板电脑。Motorola sold just 440,000 Xoom tablets in the quarter.

尽管如此,摩托罗拉价格公道,算是个不错的选择。Still, the Motorola is a decent option at a fair price.

纳发射显示器正在由摩托罗拉进行开发。A nano-emissive display is under development by Motorola.

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在7月的一个类似的销售活动中,摩托罗拉的Xoom则卖掉了2288台。During a similar sale in July, the Motorola Xoom, sold2,288.

摩托罗拉公司表示同样如此,苹果公司则拒接发表评论。Motorola says much the same. Apple Inc. declined to comment.

63岁的鲁毅智在加盟AMD前在摩托罗拉工作,是一名训练有素的工程师。A trained engineer, Ruiz, 63, worked at Motorola before joining AMD.

全新的玛瑙皮肤摩托罗拉公司所有子有图标的支持。Brand New Onyx skin by Motorola Inc. All submenus have Icon support.

它实际上是采用雾化器的使用摩托罗拉芯片电池。It is actually a battery powered atomizer which uses a Motorola chip.

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目前它正在测试索尼爱立信,诺基亚和摩托罗拉平台。It is currently tested on SonyEricsson, Nokia and Motorola platforms.

第一次来拜访,我是摩托罗拉公司的张强。This is my first time here. I am Zhang Qiang from the Motorola Company.

与此同时,寻呼机不会停止,对摩托罗拉的股市增值起了很大作用。At the time, the pagers didn’t go off much for Motorola stock increases.

摩托罗拉仍将是安卓的一个授权使用者,安卓将保持开放。Motorola will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open.

摩托罗拉或者德尔科的销售人员可能路过,拿一份电阻报价。A salesman from Motorola or Delco might stop by, with a quote on resistors.

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2003年底,摩托罗拉在北京一口气发布8款内置摄像头的相机手机。At the end of 2003, Motorola launched 8 new built-in camera phones in a row.

在那之后,联通网站已开始接受摩托罗拉手机的预购。Unicom's website has since started taking pre-orders for the Motorola device.

我一直很喜欢我的从StarTAC时代到现在的DROID时代的摩托手机。I have loved my Motorola phones from the StarTAC era up to the current DROIDs.