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同时,南韩的下载速度将进31.5Mbps。South Korean download speeds, meanwhile, are around 31.5 Mbps.

这家公司在2005年就开始向香港家庭提供100兆的宽带。The same company had launched 100 Mbps to the home back in 2005.

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这种技术比可以提供高达500Mbps的无线HDMI慢得多。It is much slower than wireless HDMI that can offer speeds of upto 500 Mbps.

测试中,当防火墙和IPS均启用时,设备达到179Mbps的流量。During the test, the unit reached 179 Mbps with the firewall and IPS enabled.

WiMax可以提供高达6Mbps的峰值数据下载速度和高达1Mbps的数据上传速度。WiMax can offer peak download data speeds of up to 6 Mbps and up to 1 Mbps for uploading data.

你可以很明显的看到有线网络公司在这份榜单中处于领先位置。Prairiewave Telecommunications 10.52 Mbps. You can see clearly that cable companies dominate this list.

如果你接触网络的时间和我一样长,你可能还记得10兆以太网就可以称为“快”的岁月。If you've been working with networks as long as I have, you probably remember the days when 10- Mbps Ethernet seemed fast.

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Verizon这在忙于铺设基于LTE技术的4G网络,基于这个网络,Verizon宣称下载速度可以达到5-12Mb每秒。Verizon is busy rolling out a 4G network based on LTE technology, which it says will deliver download speeds of 5-12 Mbps.

英特尔已经选择了WiFi技术来无线传输流媒体内容,WiFi并不需要可见的线缆而且可以达到9Mbps的速度,Stude介绍说。Intel has chosen Wi-Fi to stream content wirelessly. Wi-Fi doesn’t require line of sight and it can reach about 9 Mbps speeds, says Stude.

就全国平均水平而言,Sprint很显然是胜出者,平均带宽达1.5Mbps,而AT&T和Verizon平均带宽为1.2Mbps。In terms of national average, Sprint was the clear winner, with just under 1.5 Mbps average while AT&T and Verizon averaged about 1.2 Mbps.

根据Ookla的数据,美国的ISP提供的平均下载速度在9.9Mbps,而中国的ISP提供的平均下载速度是3.5Mbps。According to Ookla, U.S. ISPs deliver an average download speed of 9.9 Mbps while Chinese ISPs deliver an average download speed of 3.5 Mbps.

如果服务器和工作站都有100兆网卡,对工作站来说,消耗掉服务器的大部份可利用带宽将是可能的。If the server and the workstation both have 100- Mbps NICs, then it would be possible for the workstation to consume most of the server's available bandwidth.

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平均的下载速率可达2.14Mbps,上传有0.76Mbps,拿来看看email和上上网已算足够了。On average we saw 2.14 Mbps download speeds, and 0.76 Mbps upload rates, which was fast enough for checking our mail and surfing the web in cafes and a nearby park.

尽管每秒700兆比特比快速以太网的每秒100兆比特已经有了重大的提高,你可能还是会问为什么事实速度比潜在速度每秒要慢200—300兆比特呢?While 700 Mbps is a huge improvement over the 100- Mbps speed of Fast Ethernet, you're probably wondering why traffic is flowing at 200 to 300 Mbps below its potential.

至于CDMA,2.5G指的是1XRTT,或者简单地说1X,在现实生活中被称为EVDO,可提供600kbps到1.4Mbps的下载速度。As for the CDMA universe, 2.5G is referred to as 1XRTT, or just 1X. In the real world, it is known as EVDO and promises download speeds ranging from 600 kbps to 1.4 Mbps.

如此庞大数量的用户使用100Mbps甚至更快的网速,甚至在我们美国的许多区域都不能实现,这必将促使一些革新技术得到应用。A huge population with 100 Mbps or more broadband speeds will help drive innovative applications that we in the U.S. won’t even be able to run in many areas of the country.

广播商很可能白天同时传送3到4个节目而晚上利用所有带宽播出高品质的电视节目。It is very likely that broadcasters will send three or four sub-channels during the day and then switch to a single high-quality show that consumes the entire 19.39 Mbps at night.

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这意味着,如果你的布线很好,你的交换机之间的传输速度就能够达到每秒1,000兆比特,而不受你网络上其他千兆连接的限制。This means that, assuming your cabling is good, the traffic flowing between your switches can actually flow at 1,000 Mbps , regardless of the limits on other gigabit connections on your network.

于是人们立刻想到利用这些空闲频段为Internet用户的高速无线访问所用,从而提供80Mbps的长距离访问以及400-800Mbps的短距离访问。The empty space was immediately considered as useful for high speed wireless access for Internet users, providing speeds of over 80 Mbps for long range access and 400-800 Mbps for short range access.