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没有严重的肝、肾功能损害。No severe hepatic or nephritic damage was observed.

肾脏病人应该在饮食方面注意什么?What should nephritic patient notice in dietary respect?

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试述肾病综合征的临床分型及诊断标准。Please discuss the clinical type and diagnosis standard of nephritic syndrome.

目的为观察双倍剂量雷公藤多甙对儿童原发性肾病综合征的疗效。Objective The curative effect of TWH on children with primary nephritic syndrome.

肾脏移植如获成功,造血功能可获明显进步。If nephritic transplanting wins a success, hematopoiesis function can obtain apparent progress.

肾脏包膜、肾盂和输尿管受到刺激或张力增高时,均可产生疼痛。Nephritic coating, renal pelvis and ureter are stimulated or when tensional heighten, all can produce ache.

结论儿童膜增生性肾小球肾炎临床表现以肾炎型肾病为主。Conclusions The study suggested that clinical manifestation in children with MPGN is characterized by nephritic nephrosis.

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笔者认为该项检查对肾脏病、尤其是弥漫性肾损害是最有价值的诊断方法之一。The renal biopsy is one of the useful methods for diagnosing nephritic disease, especially for diagnosing the diffuse change of the kidney.

目的通过对尿红细胞各种形态的观察,为肾性与非肾性疾病提供快速鉴别诊断依据。Objective To observe the morphology of urinary erythrocytes and provide evidences of differential diagnosis between nephritic and non-nephritic diseases.

方法采用尾静脉注射阿霉素的方法,建立实验性肾病模型,观察冬桑胶囊对大鼠体重、血液生化学指标的影响及对肾组织的病理改变。Method To establish nephritic model by injecting doxorubicin in caudal vein. Then the effect of Dongsang capsule on weight and blood indexes were observed.

淀粉样变肾损害是淀粉样物质沉积于肾脏引起肾脏病变的一种疾病。Amylaceous kind goes kidney is damaged is a kind of disease that deposit of amylaceous appearance material causes nephritic pathological change at the kidney.

现任哈尔滨医科大学第二临床医学院内科教研室副主任,肾内科主任。Now appointed as vice director of internal medicine stuff room in the 2nd clinical college of Harbin Medical University and the chief of Nephritic Department.

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肺脾不足是小儿肾病综合征复发的主要内因,提出健脾补肺是肾病缓解期的主要治疗方法,可以减少水肿的复发。Strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung is the main therapy of the remission stage of the nephritic syndrome, which can decrease the recurrent of dropsy.

肾脏疾病所致的腰痛常须与腰肌、脊柱病变所致的腰痛相鉴别。The lumbago photograph of be caused by of pathological changes of constant beard and lumbar flesh, rachis differentiates the lumbago of nephritic disease be caused by.

方法对诊断为肾病综合征合并高凝状态的32例患儿,除予激素治疗外加服保肾康,根据有关指标判断疗效。Methods 32 cases diagnosed as nephritic syndrome combined with high coagulation state were included in this study. Bedides steroid hormone, Baoshenkang was used orally.

目的观察在常规治疗肾病综合征的基础上加用低分子右旋糖酐、肝素钠、速尿后患者水肿变化情况。Objective To observe edema variation in patients with nephrotic syndrome treated with low molecule dextran, nephritic sodium, and furosemide on the basis of general therapy.

介绍上海市名医郑平东教授论治慢性肾炎蛋白尿固精止涩、正本清源,以及补本善后的临证经验。This paper discussed the academic experience of professor Zheng Pingdong, a famous traditional medical physician in Shanghai, in the treatment of chronic nephritic proteinuria.

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目的探讨持续静脉滴注呋噻米和静脉注射呋噻米后持续静脉滴注维持对肾病综合征水肿患儿的利尿效果。Objective To assess the pharmacodymamic effects of continuous versus intravenous injection before continuous furosemide infusion in pediatric patients of nephritic syndrome with edema.

难治性肾病综合征患者病势缠绵难愈,水肿反复不消,而广西地区患者受环境影响,表现多以湿热证为主。Refractory nephritic syndrome is hard to be cured and the process is long, the edema is repeated. Influenced by the environment, the persons in Guangxi are manifestated mainly as damp-heat syndrome.