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其中有六类是无旋的。Six of them are irrotational.

水被视作无旋、无粘性理想流体。The water is idealized and assumed to be irrotational and non-viscous.

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滑行集散波由于激发泥浆纵波而受到的损耗,要由纵波声束给以补充。The energy loss of the gliding irrotational wave pair is made up by the longitudinal wave beam.

它没有无旋条件,没有波高对水深比值的限制。It does not require irrotational conditions and the limitation of the ratio of wave length to water depth.

对应于可变有源无旋电场的位移电流不激发磁场。The displacement current corresponding to a variable irrotational electric field does not excite any magnetic field.

在声场中真正传递声能量者仅是有功声强中的无旋分量。It is shown that it is the irrotational component of the active intensity that transfers sound energy in sound field.

我们通常所说的电容器中的位移电流就是对应于可变有源无旋电场的位移电流。The displacement currents in capacitors, which are of common speaking, correspond to the irrotational electric field.

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纵波不能在固体表面存在,在固体表面存在的是相应的滑行集散波。The longitudinal wave cannot exist near the surface of a solid, and those exist near it are gliding irrotational waves.

在马达不旋转的程度的短时间内进行蓄电池和ACG启动马达的连接。The connection of the accumulator and the ACG startup motor is performed in short time of irrotational degree of the motor.

但前进中的纵波声束不断向表面扩散而产生出新生的滑行集散波。Yet the advancing longitudinal wave beam expands continuously towards the surface, and produces new gliding irrotational waves with it.

激发出泥浆纵波而使接收器获得讯号的是滑行集散波,纵波声束并不直接激发泥浆纵波。It is the gliding irrotational wave pair, not the longitudinal wave beam itself that excites longitudinal wave in mud to generate signal.

在理想流假设及线性化的自由表面边界条件的基础上,对刚性容器中液体小幅晃动进行了流体相似律的研究。Based on irrotational flow hypothesis and linearized free surface boundary condition, the similarity law of liquid sloshing with small amplitude is studied in this paper.

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有功声强的无旋分量与表面声强有关,因此测量表面声强可避免有旋性的影响。Because the irrotational component of the active intensity depends on the surface sound intensity, measuring the surface sound intensity can avoid the effect of the rotation.

滑行纵波系由纵波声束、负指数滑行集散波和正指数滑行集散波三种成份所组成。The gliding longitudinal wave contains three parts, longitudinal wave beam, negative exponential gliding ivro-tational wave and positive exponential gliding irrotational wave.

理论分析与形成有限元公式所作的基本假设是罐内液体为理想流体以及它的流动是无旋的。The theoretical analysis and the finite element formulation are based on the assumption that liquid in the tank is an ideal fluid and the liquid flow in the tank is irrotational.

离开固体表面稍远的区域,可以有平行于表面传播的纵波声束存在,但是需要与相应的滑行集散波相互衔接。A little apart from the surf ace, the longitudinal wave beam may exist and propagate parallel to the surface, yet has to connect with its corresponding gliding irrotational waves.

在减振机构中,利用矢量法和坐标变换对空间连杆机构进行数学建模,推导出减振机构的运动学模型。The mathematical model is formulated by the way of vector and coordinate transformation in the linkage mechanism so as to derive kinematics modeling of irrotational displacement isolator.