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她不再是那个轮番变幻的魔女了。She was no longer the alternate succubus.

作为回报,永恒的女妖希望她的灵魂。As redound, lasting succubus hopes her soul.

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首先,魅魔需要更强的生存力。First off the Succubus needs more survivability.

人类和女妖的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow.

人类和魅魔的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。Shamans ? Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow.

在森林深处,她成功地征服了一个魔女,并占据了她的肉身。Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion.

施法者通过牺牲几个血奴,将召唤并与一个夜魔签订契约,或许也可以称她们为恶魔情人。The caster sacrifices several blood slaves to contract and bind a Succubus , or demon lover.

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诱惑应该大大减少消耗的魔法,我当前80级只能使用5-6次诱惑,然后魅魔就空蓝了。Seduce should cost A LOT less mana. I can currently use it 5 or 6 times before my Succubus is out of mana at level 80.

另外,灵魂链接的说明文字也已更新,明确了它只对小鬼、虚空行者、魅魔或地狱犬有效。In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus , or felhunter.

女淫妖与男淫妖相对应,指的是一种以入睡男子为猎物,吸收他们精元的妖魔。The succubus is the female counterpart of the incubus. She is a demon seductress who preys on sleeping men, draining them of their "vitality."

女淫妖与男淫妖相对应,指的是一种以入睡男子为猎物,吸收他们精元的妖魔。The succubus is the female counterpart of the incubus. She is a demon seductress who preys on sleeping men, draining them of their “vitality.”

奸笑〉“奇怪哟,你的脸扭曲出一副相当快乐的恐怖表情了。”——魅魔杜尔西恩娜,大约在一分钟,一次能量吸取之后。"Funny, your face is twisted into a rather pleasant expression of horror. "—The succubus Dulseena, about one minute and one energy drain later.

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如果夜魔成功引诱了一个敌人的将领,她将把对方从床上带走,飞回自己主人所在处,在那里对方将为新主人效忠直到死亡。Succubus that successfully seduces an enemy commander will take him from his bed and fly him home to her master, where he will serve until dies.

书生王子玉偶遇化身西门燕的骷髅女妖,一见倾心,共结秦晋之好。Come across of student prince jade is reincarnate skeleton succubus of Xi Menyan, see admire, written guarantee in all Jin Zhi of the Qin Dynasty is good.

妖妇对催眠免疫,而且没一仗都能诱惑一个生物。英雄可以控制被诱惑的生物。Succubus Temptress is immune to hypnosis, and has the ability to seduce a creature one time per battle. The owner of the succubus can control seduced creatures.

于是他只好偷偷的去他的地牢里,求助于那一帮恶魔学识大师,承诺只要有人召唤一名完全为他服务的痛苦女妖,那就能获得自由。Therefore he turned to his dungeon full of demonologists, promising freedom to whoever could summon a personal succubus of torment and bind it entirely to his service.