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给她喝热糖水。We gave her hot, sugary water.

在她脸上堆满了媚人的微笑。In her face suffused with a sugary smile.

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在她脸上堆满了媚人的微笑。In her face suffused with a sugary smile.

少吃含糖的软饮和水果饮料。Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks.

不要点奶昔或含糖的软饮料。Don’t order milkshake or sugary soft drinks.

他们否决了针对碳酸饮料的一项税收。They have rejected a tax on sodas and sugary drinks.

少喝超甜的饮料,多喝玛朵尼自然矿泉水。Drink less sugary drinks and more Mattoni mineral water.

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卡卡圈坊的回应是,所有的甜甜圈都含糖。The response from Krispy Kreme is as sugary as its doughnuts.

每当你吃含糖的零食时,一些酸性物质都会损害你的牙齿。Damaging acids form in your mouth every time you eat a sugary snack.

避免淀粉里的碳水化合物,如面包,意粉和甜点。Avoid carbohydrates in starches like bread, pasta, and sugary desserts.

对高脂肪、高糖分的垃圾食物征税有助于打击肥胖。Taxing high-fat and sugary junk food is an effective way to fight obesity.

含糖食物常常与龋齿联系在一起,但是这样讲也可能会误导。Sugary foods are often associated with cavities, but that can be misleading.

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多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃含糖的或含盐的零食甜点。Turn to vegetables and fruits instead of sugary or salty snacks and desserts.

甜食会使你血糖快速升高,令你在考试中打哈气。Sugary foods will give you a quick rush and then leave you yawning in the test.

果汁也不错,很滋养——只是不要选择浓缩的和含糖高的果汁。Juices can be nourishing, too -- just lay off concentrated and sugary varieties.

在训练或比赛前应避免像汽水或糖棒一类的含糖的东西。Avoid sugary stuff like sodas or candy bars right before you practice or compete.

但当你的胃不那么难受时,甜的食物会让你感觉不那么颤抖。But once your stomach is a bit calmer, sugary foods can help you feel less trembly.

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此外,含糖碳酸饮料和校园内的垃圾食品自动售货机也被拉入“黑名单”。It also has outlawed sugary sodas and banished junk food vending machines on campus.

减少含糖饮料、甜点和其他糖类物质的摄入量。身边放上健康的零食。Limit co umption of sugary drinks, de erts and other sweets. Keep healthy acks handy.

这些果仁糖不像美国糖果店里提供的糖果那样甜。These pralines are not the same as the sugary treats offered in American candy shops.