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预防朽迈,减少老年痴呆。Reduces senility and age-related dementia.

起初,这些人都是没有老年痴呆症的。At the beginning, all were free of dementia.

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痴呆能否增加血栓溶解风险?Does dementia increase risk of thrombolysis?

失智症有那些徵兆和症状?What are the Signs and Symptoms of Dementia?

但我们应该怎样对待老年痴呆病人?But how are we treating people with dementia?

她还没老到得典型性痴呆的岁数。She wasn't quite old enough for classic dementia.

据报道,87岁的陈廷骅患有老年痴呆症。The 87-year old Chen reportedly suffers from dementia.

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很可能的是,你会以痴呆收尾。In essence, you might end up with some sort of dementia.

接着,他的思维陷入痴呆,其后不久即死去。Then, his mind declined into dementia. He died soon after.

痴呆症的发作没有预兆,也没有哀悼。But the onset of dementia invites no ceremony, no grieving.

另一个研究也发现了饮食和痴呆的关系。Another study also examined the link between diet and dementia.

香琴患上老人痴呆症,坚持要去找德明。Xiangqin suffers from dementia and insists on looking for Deming.

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双语能力似乎还能够延迟老年痴呆症的发病时间。Bilingualism even seems to delay the onset of dementia in old age.

当老伴儿的老年痴呆症状加深时,是他的悉心照顾使得她的症状慢慢消失。He took care of her as her dementia deepened and she slowly faded.

也许重度痴呆更易导致微型心肌梗塞。Maybe severe dementia makes people more vulnerable to microinfarcts.

同样样的测验也被医生用于诊断老年痴呆症的迹象。The same tests are already used by doctors to spot signs of dementia.

在这项研究中,476人患上了阿尔茨海默氏病或者是痴呆。During the study, 476 people developed Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

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到目前为止,甚至还没有一个痴呆症负担方面的全国估计数字。So far there is not even a national estimate of the burden of dementia.

每当有人忘记名字,他们就已经悄然堕入了痴呆。Every time someone forgets a name they put it down to creeping dementia.

这可能是早期痴呆症的前兆,你知道咱家有这个病史。That could be an early sign of dementia. You know it runs in the family.