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这种害虫吃棉蕾,减少了作物产量。Fabricius can eat cotton buds, reducing crops.

母鸡有较高的法氏囊、胸腺重量及其指数。The hens had high bursa of fabricius weight and thymic weight.

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皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff.

心脏、肝脏、脾脏肿大,胸腺、法氏囊缩小,脑水肿。The heart , liver and spleen were enlarged. The thymus and bursa of Fabricius were atrophy.

指出低锌严重影响胸腺、法氏囊的发育,且影响程度随缺乏时间的延长而加剧。It was pointed that Zn had serious influence in the growth of thymus gland and bursa of Fabricius.

为了酬谢法布里丘斯示警,他把战俘送还罗马人,并不索取赎金。And to requite Fabricius for his warning, he sent the Romans their prisoners, without paying of ransom.

皮拉斯没有像暴君一样大发雷霆,反而在朋友之间称许法布里丘斯。Pyrrhus did not explode in a tyrannic tantrum. On the contrary, among his friends he commended Fabricius.

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第二天,皮拉斯和法布里丘斯在营帐商谈,却叫人把一只全身披挂的大象牵到帐外,立在法布里丘斯身后。The next day, Pyrrhus had a fully armoured elephant placed outside the tent behind Fabricius as they talked.

毛衣鱼为不完全变态昆虫,一年发生数代。Cterolepisma villosa Fabricius is an insect of incomplete metamorphosis which reproduces several generations a year.

黏膜上皮全部为假复层柱状上皮,黏膜的固有膜内腔上囊小结也相对发达。Epithelial tissue is the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, more Fabricius nodes are located in the natural layer.

结果表明,贝氏隐孢子虫主要引起呼吸困难症状,气管炎和法氏囊炎病变。It was concluded that Cryptosporidium baileyi caused mainly respiratory distress, tracheitis and bursa of Fabricius inflammation.

法布里说,当他询问了关于禁止玩具船一名警卫,他被告知的玩具有可能震慑鱼塘。Fabricius said when he questioned a guard about the ban on toy boats, he was told the toys can potentially frighten fish in the pond.

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赫拉克利亚战役后,罗马著名军人法布里丘斯来到皮拉斯王的军营,要求释放被俘罗马将士。After the Battle of Heraclea, the famous Roman soldier Fabricius came to King Pyrrhus ' camp to ask for the release of the Roman prisoner.

利用激光三维扫描系统测量了黄蜻膜翅样品的几何外形,获取了黄蜻膜翅几何表面的外形数据点群。The digital point groups of geometrical surfaces of dragonfly Pantala flavescens Fabricius membranous wings were obtained through measuring with a 3D scanner.

在室内测定了8种杀虫剂对茄二十八星瓢虫幼虫及其主要天敌瓢虫柄腹姬小蜂的毒力。Toxicity of 8 insecticides to the larvae of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius and its major larval parasite, Pediobius foveolatus Crawford , was investigated in the laboratory.

试验结果提示,GC02球虫病疫苗对雏鸡腔上囊发育有一定的抑制作用,对其组织结构有轻微损伤作用。The results revealed that the GC02 coccidiosis vaccine could restrain the development of broiler bursa of Fabricius and had a slight damage on the microstructure of broiler bursa of Fabricius.