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你喜欢粤菜吗?Do you like Cantonese cuisine?

你更喜欢中国菜吗?Do you prefer Chinese cuisine?

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饺子是中国的一种特色美食。Dumpling is a Chinese cuisine.

此为一道著名的鲁菜。This is a famous Shandong cuisine.

你吃过上海菜吗?Have you ever tried Shanghai cuisine?

我学了一年的希腊菜烹饪法。I studied Greek cuisine for one year.

他们端出上好的法国菜。They served excellent French cuisine.

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对不起,我忘了盛菜的罐。Sorry, I forgot for the pots for cuisine.

扬州是淮扬菜的家乡。Yangzhou is the home of Huaiyang Cuisine.

法国美食举世闻名。French cuisine is famous around the world.

渔人码头海鲜风味街。Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street.

我喜欢吃辣味的食物,尤其是川菜。I like hot food,especially Sichuan cuisine.

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我最喜欢的中国食物风味是粤式。My favourite cuisine in China is Cantonese.

张强先生,你喜欢中国菜吗?Mr. Zhang Qiang, do you like Chinese Cuisine?

谭家菜有百余种著名的菜肴。Tan's Cuisine includes over a hundred dishes.

这是淮扬菜的另外一个特点。This is a characteristic of Huaiyang cuisine.

这家餐馆供应地道的川菜。This restaurant servers real Sichuan Cuisine.

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在这里你几乎可以品尝到所有的菜肴。You can eat nearly every kind of cuisine here.

我们在一家上海菜餐馆里吃饭。We ate at a restaurant called Shanghai cuisine.

你应该到滴水洞去尝尝湖南菜。You should try the Hunan cuisine at Dishuidong.