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依兰的父母不喜欢埃都。Ylang's parents did not like Edo.

依兰和埃都想出了一个见面的办法。Ylang and Edo devised a way to see each other.

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江户时代其中一个北部最大的城堡!One of the largest northern castle in Edo time!

这是依兰和埃都的最后一次见面。That was the last time Ylang and Edo saw eachother.

你是打哪来的?你是从垃圾箱里蹦出来的。Where edo you come from? You come from the trash bin.

在历史上,这是预算的一部分,江户时代的功能。Historically this budget was part of the EDO function.

毒品非法交易正逐渐成为一个主要的问题,特别是在伊都省。Drug trafficking is becoming a major problem, especially in Edo state.

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它行之于明治时期,但其思想源头却可上溯至江户时代。It started in Meiji Times, but the idea can be tracked back to Edo Times.

无国界医生组织也一直在埃多州协助控制工作。Médecins sans Frontières has also been assisting control efforts in Edo State.

特别是江户时代,儒家思想被幕府视为占统治地位的思想。Especially during the Edo period, Shogunate as Confucianism was the dominant ideology.

浮世绘是日本江户时代的一种风俗版画,属于一种平民风俗画。Ukiyo-e Edo period in Japan are a custom prints, custom paintings belong to a civilian.

但这些都没能打动依兰,因为她的心已经给了一个叫埃都的贫农。These promises did not move Ylang because she gave her heart to a poor farmer named Edo.

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本月初在日本重演全国江户时代的做法特别令人瞩目。One Edo period practice is particularly conspicuous across Japan at the beginning of this month.

此一「绘岛事件」成为了德川时代,大奥最大的政治斗争。The Ejima affair, thus, became the most serious power struggle in the Ooku during the Edo period.

江户幕府是最成功的,是一个和平繁荣的时期,延续了两百五十多年。The Edo bakufu was the most successful, a time of peace and prosperity that lasted over 250 years.

元禄时代为城市文化树立了榜样,使其持续繁荣于整个江户时代。The Genroku period set the standards for an urban culture that continued throughout the Edo period.

漂流事件是江户时代日中两国交往的重要渠道。Castaways event was an important channel for exchanges between Japan and china during the Edo period.

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它以其色彩斑斓的画面真是地展现出江户时代的现实社会和美好理想。It is its colorful pictures to show the reality of the Edo period and the beautiful ideal of society.

日本江户时期,“劝善惩恶”文学思想盛行。In the Japanese Edo Period, the literary thought of "promoting virtues and punishing evils" was prevalent.

金圣叹的文学批评,对日本的江户文学产生了不可忽视的影响。Jin Shentan?s literature criticism had made a very deep influence on the Japanese literature in Edo times.