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这又能怪谁?This can blame?

我曾经怪罪过他吗?Did I blame him?

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能怪谁呢?Who is to blame?

都怪你的胸罩!I blame your bra!

这事全怪我。I take the blame.

但这能怪他吗?Can you blame him?

他无可指责。He is above blame.

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谁敢责备他?Who can blame him?

这你能怪谁?。Who can you blame?

你能怪它们么?Can you blame them?

但要怪谁呢?But who is to blame?

不要责怪任何人。Don’t blame anybody.

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我责怪陀思妥耶夫斯基。I blame Dostoyevsky.

我埋怨我们的父母。I blame our parents.

你不能怨他。You can't blame him.

只怪我太年轻。Blame it on my youth.

我是否要怪罪于风?。Do I blame the wind ?

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我接受所有责难。I took all the blame.

他们责怪制裁。They blame sanctions.

该诅咒的坏运气。Blame the rotten luck.