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他住在用藤条和茅草搭成的单薄房子里。His habitation is flimsy affair of canes and thatch.

我们的新住所是一处挖空的地洞。Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.

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绝不容忍自己身体、衣着、住所里的不干净。Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

身体,衣物和住所都应保持整洁。Tolerate no uncleanliness ni body, clothes, or habitation.

赣南是客家人的主要聚居地。The south of Jiangxi province is the main habitation of Hakkas.

房子像鸽子的笼子,不像人的居所。The house was more like a pigeon-holed box than a human habitation.

保山被誉为最适宜人类居住的地区。Baoshan is reputed as a most comfortable place for human habitation.

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在这一地方的十英里的周围内杳无人烟。In this place ten miles around there is no signs of human habitation.

洁净——不要容忍身体、衣服或行为习惯上的不洁净。Cleanliness – Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation.

在这片荒无人烟的湿地,我用真情寻觅到了你的身影。No human habitation in the wetland, I use the truth to find your shadow.

但是他也发现,他的新娘子见了这座又霉又旧的老宅有些情绪低落。But he found that the mouldy old habitation somewhat depressed his bride.

UIA把创造一个适于人类居住的更加美好的人居环境作为协会的最终目标。The final aim of UIA is to create a human habitation for a better living.

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天时地利,已造就最好的一个地方,给人居住。Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man's habitation.

以图腾为居地命名,是初民社会的一个普遍规律。Naming a habitation with a totem was popular, in an earliest human society.

河间历史悠久,从新石器时代晚期就有人类居住。Hejian a long history of human habitation there from the late Neolithic Age.

但他们所居住的地方,原来并非为人们在此长久居住而建。But the space where they live was not designed for long-term human habitation.

这个屋子有种说不清的东西,似乎暗示这里有男人居住。An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.

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家在离他10多分钟车程的同一条路上,一住就是20年。My home is about 10mins'vehicle from TJ on the same road, habitation of 20years.

从他的居所,往外察看地上的居民。From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

神在他的圣所作孤儿的父,作寡妇的伸冤者。A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.