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立交桥变宽阔了,车驶上了NLEx高速公路。The flyover broadens into the NLEx Expressway.

不久他就又回到了立交桥下的老家。Soon Syed was back in his old home under the flyover.

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所有来他店的人都必须先经过一座立交桥。All that came to his bakery should go over a flyover first.

司徒拔道天桥将临时封闭,禁止所有车辆行驶。Stubbs Road Flyover will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

天桥就是他们施展技艺的地方,也是他们出卖血汗赖以生存的地方。Flyover is wielding his skill and where they betray sweatshop survival place.

这座高架桥于1995年投入使用,是湖南省第一座城区高架桥。The viaduct , which came into use in 1995, was the first urban flyover in Hunan.

在巴林塔瓦克火车站附近的一处立交桥上,我看见桥下如棋盘般的铁皮屋顶。On the flyover near Balintawak station, I peer down at a chessboard of tin roofs.

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球型支座是在城市立交桥及公路桥梁上得到广泛采用的一种支座形式。Spherical bearing is a kind of bearing adopted widely on the city flyover and road bridge.

相传武当山曾有一位医术高明的道人,叫泰常。There have been said to Wudang Mountain Road flyover of a skillful, often called Thailand.

本线于二零零四年十二月二十日重新投入服务,取代94号山道天桥班次。Route 94X resumes service on 20 December 2004 to replace route 94 Hill Road flyover special departures.

在廊曼机场附近的高速公路,一名反政府示威者被手榴弹袭击致死。An anti-government protester was killed when a grenade was thrown from a flyover near the Don Muang airport.

天桥上上下下的过路人,都把诧异的目光投向了女孩和小伙子,而那个女人不知藏到哪里去了,不见了人影。Flyover remittent passerby, the amazing sights on the girl and boy, but the woman did not know where to go, and disappeared.

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本研究是从引种的50种攀缘植物中筛选出11种常绿观花物种进行立交桥的垂直绿化研究。This research screened 11 evergreen flower species from 50 climbing plant for the vertical greening on the flyover junction.

没有咨询技术团队,她就宣布立交桥的开放日期!She declared opening of flyover without consulting technical team! ! Politicians often make this mistake, the question is why?

跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。The structure of flyover is made from bronze which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo folly or pergola.

昨日印度海得拉巴市一座在建的立交桥坍塌,起码10人死亡,多人被埋。At least 10 people were killed and several were trapped when under-construction flyover collapsed Sunday in Hyderabad in India.

白宫军事办公室主任路易斯·卡尔德拉随即发布了一个道歉,承认这次航拍引起了“惶恐和混乱”。Military Office director Louis Caldera immediately issued an apology, acknowledging that the flyover caused "confusion and disruption."

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事发后不久从新围仔铁路天桥下路过的黄先生看到一个人蹲在铁道旁嘶喊。Shortly after the incident from the new round Aberdeen railway flyover pass by Mr Wong see a person squatting next to the railway scream.

这一次,盐湖城扮演了好莱坞的角色,犹他的乡下是新的硅谷,加州扮演了立交桥的部分。This time, Salt Lake City played the role of Hollywood, rural Utah was the new Silicon Valley, and California was cast as flyover country.

新巴及运输署及后修改计划,建议30X线在薄扶林道有限停站及来回程取道林士街天桥。Bus and Transport and modify the plan after the proposed line in Pok Fu Lam Road 30X limited stops and to return via the Rumsey Street flyover.